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MarcoVan last won the day on August 28 2014

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About MarcoVan

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    Bukit Panjang

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  1. Looking for Alkatronic/ KH Keeper or any other alk monitoring device preferably Alkatronic PM me if any . thanks
  2. Apologies, as pointed out by a close friend, it’s 12 HD not 16 HD. Asking for $140 each. TYVM!
  3. As per subject 2 sets of AI Prime ie one white and one black for $200 each lamp Usage minimal at 40% max per day and condition looks genuinely new Price negotiable PM me if interested.
  4. Wah all the high end toys 🥰 Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. I love you for your hopelessly shameless behavior. Please use your own photos next time you want to cheat Hobby space is small so if you want to cheat someone else, please do it in flea market. At least we can see your face and justify if it’s worth $140 Shameless Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. In decluttering mode therefore am letting go the following items. Prices fixed. FCFS PM me if interested.
  7. Upz Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  8. Can we post his nonsense onto his fb, LinkedIn and his Carousell account? There’s smth telling me if you do the above, you’ll get your money back... cheers Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  9. Yes Auto feeder local set. PH probe bought from Amazon ; will work fine regardless. And no more warranty. PM me if interested. Thanks
  10. Selling full set including temp probe , 6 ports power bar as well as original external screen. Also include unopened new in box Apex auto feeder and brand new double junction ph probe Not compatible with Trident Asking above all for $450. Price negotiable. PM if interested. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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