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staromsa last won the day on October 16 2022

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    Coral keeping.

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  1. As per title, 1x REEF FACTORY KH KEEPER PLUS -$350 ( USED ) 1x REEF FACTORY DOSING PUMP 3 CHANNEL -$180 ( USED ) 2X REEF FACTORY REEF FLARE L 210W -$350 ( BNIB ) 2X REEF FACTORY REEF FLARE M -$250ea ( BNIB ) Whatsapp 9348484two to deal Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. As per titled, Looking to sell the following: 1x Used Reef Factory KH KEEPER PLUS $350 RRP $1xxx 1x Used Reef Factory Smart Tester $450 RRP $1xxx 2x Used Reef Factory Dosing Pump x3 $180 ea RRP $4xx 3x Brand New Reef Factory Reef Flare S $150 ea Drop me a PM if keen, bundle price applicable. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Hi all, i have the following for sale: 3x Reef Flare XS BNIB Unused Reason for selling, tank leaked and decommed eversince. So selling at loss. Your gain my loss. $350 each Take all 3 for $850. Receipt of purchase will be provided. Whatsapp:8427516six Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. 3x Radion set revised price take whole set collect this weekend $1500 MP10 take both $400 Collect this weekend 2x Orphek take both 200 collect this weekend Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Custom Tank with sump dimensions -$300 L:90 H:45 W:45 Things to go along with: -cabinet stand with side compartment for your wiring hence no messy wiring. - Aluminium Profile mounted on the cabinet for easy mounting of your lights - Recently changed the sump, so relatively new sump - Recently redo the piping works by AA earlier this year. - Jebao DCP 5000 pump —————————————————————————————————— Custom Tank with designer sump dimensions-$350 L:50 H:30 W:50 Things to go along with: Custom Aluminium profile stand Eshopps Sump ( very compact and practical ) RRP 200 up Bubble Magus Curve 5 Skimmer RRP 180 Sicee Return Pump rates 2500lph RRP 1xx up Orphek Lighting Mount Kindly Whatsapp :9457723I for images or to deal. PLEASE ARRANGE OWN TRANSPORT. Slight nego is fine, please dont lowball. Thanks all. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. As per title: 3x Radion XR15 G5 White with RMS track & Arm -$1700( Full box ) 1yr set 1x MP10W QD bought last year Dec- $300 ( full box ) 1x MP10W QD not mobius compatible have to go reef market SG to install the chip est damage less than $100. -$200 2x Orphek OR3 60 Blue -$220 Whatsapp:9457723one to deal. Priority will be given to those to can take all. Slight nego welcome, lowballers stay away thanks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Bought April 2021 thus year. Selling it at a loss. Will provide receipt from SAS. OR3 Blue Plus RRP -$190 Selling @ $150 each. Mounting Arm RRP -$120 Selling @ $100 Whatsapp 9457723one to deal. Priority will be given to the one who can take all! Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. 1. Bubble Magus Curve 5 Skimmer -$150 ( Used 3 months still under warranty ) 2. Jebao 3.4 Wifi Dosing Pump -$70 ( Used 3 months still under warranty) 3. Skimz DLC-3 Dosing Container -$50 ( Used 3 months ) 4. Skimz FR -$30 5. R60 Lightset -$130 ( Sometimes able sometimes unable to connect to WIFI ) Whatsapp:9457723one to deal. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. PMed you in the MP10 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Selling the above @ $260. Set consist of feeder pump. Whatsapp:9457723one Still under warranty from ABA purchase March 2021. My loss your gain Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. HELPING FRIEND TO POST THE FOLLOWING: 60x45x45 tank 90x45x70 Aluminium profile stand Eshopps pf300 external overflow Skimz up21 Sump Super good price, good set for beginners to start with. Rfs: enlisting soon Tank,stand,overflow and sump only for 350, 300 for fast deals Rocks and rockscape can be thrown in for additional 50 Open for slight nego but arrange own delivery and movers Contact YJ @ 94595805 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Still under warranty, upgraded to 300A. Bought march 2021. Includes Atman 1400l/hr feeder pump Looking to sell at $320. Negotiable open to fast deal whatsapp:9457723one Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Have the following equipments for sale at a steal price, good for new start up hobbyist. 1. Reef Octopus Classic 150-S $100 (Non Negotiable) 2. Radion XR15 G4 $280 3. Skimz FR Reactor $40 4. Jebao CP-40 Gyre WM $70 5. Glamorca Gyre GP-03 $90 Take all for $500. My loss your gain Interested kindly whatsapp:9457723one TIA Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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