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hermit crab killed my porcelain crab?


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hi guys.i have had two electric blue hermit crabs in my tank for the last two months.few days ago i introduced a porcelin anemone crab to the tank.

my bigger hermit crab seemed aggressive toward it so i quarantined the bigger hermit crab.

today i found my porcelin anemone crab dead and being feasted on by my smalller hermit crab.are electric blue hermit crabs generally aggressive towards

other inverterbrates?i have 3 sea snails in my tank and they seem to be doing fine.

P.S my bigger hermit crab always fights with the smaller hermit crab and also dragged one of my coral a few inches to the back of my tank.is it usual behaviour

for electric blue hermit crabs?

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I had bad experience with electric blue hermit crab killing my snails.

Not too sure they are too hungry or snail dying or wanted the shell.

But after killing the snail, it did not change shell thus the last reason is less probable.

However that's my experience.

In the end, I never kept them anymore but go for the smaller red scarlet hermit crabs which are smaller than 5cent coins and much more timid species.

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  • SRC Member

I had bad experience with electric blue hermit crab killing my snails.

Not too sure they are too hungry or snail dying or wanted the shell.

But after killing the snail, it did not change shell thus the last reason is less probable.

However that's my experience.

In the end, I never kept them anymore but go for the smaller red scarlet hermit crabs which are smaller than 5cent coins and much more timid species.

Bro,where can I get the red hermit crab?

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Bro,where can I get the red hermit crab?

ML has some small tiny red ones.

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

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so long its a crab,they'll have the tendency to kill anything they can when they want.

i used to kept 1 for quite sometime. saw it attacking my naso tang several times but always failed.

so i tot it's ok to leave it there.

few months later it succeeded... There goes my naso tang.

i dun keep any form of crab ever after coz i feel they r crap! buy cheap but they kill my expensive!

Some1 doesn't 1 2 do anything find an excuse,some1 1 2 do something find a mean!

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