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IQ 5 Tank Help

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  • SRC Member

Hi all,

Totally new to this. Just bought a IQ5 tank for office and need some advice.

1. There are 3 chambers for iq 5 do i need to fill them all up with water?

2. is there a need to add a additional air pump to the system?

3. With regards to water temperature how much is too high and what is too cold? wondering what i should set my office air con at -)

sorry for this newbie question. been reading a lot and just have this few question which i hope to get answered so i can go back office later to do the changes needed.


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also base on what i read, i need to let the tank cycle for around a week before i add livestock to it?

wish i had gotten to this forum before buying the tank n fishy lol.

and also is there like a simple point for point gide to setting up a tank instead of all the long articles out there?

thanks again

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Hi all,

Totally new to this. Just bought a IQ5 tank for office and need some advice.

1. There are 3 chambers for iq 5 do i need to fill them all up with water?

Pour water until it overflows into the back compartment and on the pump and slowly add more water until the pump is submerged in water

2. is there a need to add a additional air pump to the system?

Not that I know of.

3. With regards to water temperature how much is too high and what is too cold? wondering what i should set my office air con at -)

Best is below 28... How around 26 is fine... But take note of the fluctuation of the temp when the air con is not on..

sorry for this newbie question. been reading a lot and just have this few question which i hope to get answered so i can go back office later to do the changes needed.


Edited by Terryz_

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also base on what i read, i need to let the tank cycle for around a week before i add livestock to it?

wish i had gotten to this forum before buying the tank n fishy lol.

and also is there like a simple point for point gide to setting up a tank instead of all the long articles out there?

thanks again

Cycling will typically take 4 weeks or so...

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It is best to return the fishy for either a refund or to exchange with something else (not live) that you could use in future till your tank has completed its cycle. There are plenty of information in the New to the Marine Aquaria Hobby section. Do as much research as you can as you wait. Desideria has a nice IQ5 in the nano section that you can take reference to.

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  • SRC Member

Thanks for the swift replys everyone.

Luckily i stumbled upon this forum before i added the fishes in else i will just be killing them. Will try and see what i can do about the fishes if he doesnt allow me to change it tomorrow. Maybe a spare pail?

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Thanks for the swift replys everyone.

Luckily i stumbled upon this forum before i added the fishes in else i will just be killing them. Will try and see what i can do about the fishes if he doesnt allow me to change it tomorrow. Maybe a spare pail?

You bought from where?

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The fastest way to speed up your cycling is to

1) Dose some bacteria products to speed up the cycling

2) use Sea water instead of Salt mix

3) Use old filtration media from old tank ( Only from Marine not from Freshwater )

you will also need something to kick up the tank cycling which is either a rotten fish meat or bacteria dosing, after about 3 - 4 week when you do a major water change, you should be able to stock your first live stock , but slowly..

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The fastest way to speed up your cycling is to

1) Dose some bacteria products to speed up the cycling

Hi Thanks got the birghtwell product as suggested by pm from a helpful fellow forumer =)

2) use Sea water instead of Salt mix


3) Use old filtration media from old tank ( Only from Marine not from Freshwater )

Hmm dont have one...

you will also need something to kick up the tank cycling which is either a rotten fish meat or bacteria dosing, after about 3 - 4 week when you do a major water change, you should be able to stock your first live stock , but slowly.

Btw just another quick question. When i add the live sand there are some stains on the acrylic surface on the inside. Can i use a cloth to clean? or are there specific equipment i can purchase. Just wondering if the dirt on the cloth will mess things up =)

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Btw just another quick question. When i add the live sand there are some stains on the acrylic surface on the inside. Can i use a cloth to clean? or are there specific equipment i can purchase. Just wondering if the dirt on the cloth will mess things up =)

Yes, but please use a new clean cloth.

You can use those magnet cleaner commonly sold in LFS but make sure no sand is caught in between the 2 pieces or else it may scratch the acrylic

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cool. Thanks. Got the magnet and a clean cloth :thumbsup:

btw posted this in another thread but no reply yet so thought i can post here for help:

2day of cycling and i saw this. was wondering if i should pull them out or leave it there??

Posted Image

Grr not sure how i can get the photo here. Wheneever i try to upload attachment it lags out lol below is the link


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Well done - good choice of live rock. Where did you get it from?

Irwana i believe. The one on farmway 3.

Just another question. the rocks on the back are growing 2 type of white stuff on it.


and a sharper image here with both the white mass and the white stuff with a cylinder pointing out


Read online they could be sponge which is good or fungus which is bad =x

in fact what should i kill? lol i have been googling during my lunch break but not much help on what is harmful. Saw another post on this forum and i know i have to watch out for aiptasia googled it and got lots of images back till i am blurred lol.

once again thanks again for the patience with a newbie like me

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