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emergancy help needed


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good day brother/sisters!

to be frank i'm still learning, if there's any mistake pls point out to me.

i've cycled my tank for 2months plus or so. added clown fishes to tank. survived for 1month - 2month and i found out suddenly they grow white spots. tried to cured them fishes died. re-cycled again for 1month. everything is normal. added new fishes. (blue powder tang. and powder tang) 1st and 2nd day very normal today is the 4th day and the white spots is back. water parameters seems normal. measured everything i could i feel bad see-ing my fishes die :(

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sad to hear of your losses bro. i think you need to give us more details on how you cycled your tank, and what do you mean when you say water parameters are normal. and as tiff said, don't add powders yet, even some of the long time reefers here still have some difficulty in these.

25 Gal Micro Ocean

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1. How big is your tank?

2. Once your fish get white spots IMO its best to drop the Salinity. This is the safest and most effective method.

3. One reason this could have occurred is when you first put your fish in there wasn't a chiller and subsequently a chiller was added.

4. Using medication etc will affect the other marine life in your tank.

5. Its very possible that this occurred through no fault of your own so don't feel bad. The fish you bough may have already been affected by white spots.

6. If you are going to drop the salinity level - you can drop it the SG to 1.010 gradually over a 3 or 4 days and see how it goes. Worth investing in a refractometer. Its only 50 bucks or so and the readings are easy and accurate.

7. You might want to change the place where you buy your fish from. And the next time you buy fish inspect them as best as you can.

All the best


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1. How big is your tank?

2. Once your fish get white spots IMO its best to drop the Salinity. This is the safest and most effective method.

3. One reason this could have occurred is when you first put your fish in there wasn't a chiller and subsequently a chiller was added.

4. Using medication etc will affect the other marine life in your tank.

5. Its very possible that this occurred through no fault of your own so don't feel bad. The fish you bough may have already been affected by white spots.

6. If you are going to drop the salinity level - you can drop it the SG to 1.010 gradually over a 3 or 4 days and see how it goes. Worth investing in a refractometer. Its only 50 bucks or so and the readings are easy and accurate.

7. You might want to change the place where you buy your fish from. And the next time you buy fish inspect them as best as you can.

All the best

it's a 3ft tank. i have a chiller too. but when i bought the fish from farm dont think its chilled water. but i quarantine my fishes with my display tank water.

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It is inevitable that you will get ich with powder series tangs... Tank is too new for them... If you have corals, most medication is out of the question... Best is to pump it up and build up its immunity to ich... Are they still feeding?

You can try DR G's medicated food but not sure if it works..

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It is inevitable that you will get ich with powder series tangs... Tank is too new for them... If you have corals, most medication is out of the question... Best is to pump it up and build up its immunity to ich... Are they still feeding?

You can try DR G's medicated food but not sure if it works..

yes i do have corals. if i want to cure them fast what i need? i dont want to see any of my fish dying. *feels so karma*

they're not eating flakes or pallets. they're feeding on RED seaweed. and algaes on my live rocks. if want a picture of my tank i can take and post it too

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yes i do have corals. if i want to cure them fast what i need? i dont want to see any of my fish dying. *feels so karma*

they're not eating flakes or pallets. they're feeding on RED seaweed. and algaes on my live rocks. if want a picture of my tank i can take and post it too

Red seaweed?? You mean red bamboo or red grapes?? Try to train it to feed on frozen to make it easier to pump them up.. There is no fast way without the use of medication.. If they are feeding on frozen can use the medicated food...

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yes red bamboo. haha sorry for my noob language. today just 4th day. already have ich on the fins alrdy :( any recommendation on medicated frozen food? my powder tang is still scared i think. whenever i stare at my tank it just went to hide behind the rocks.

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yes red bamboo. haha sorry for my noob language. today just 4th day. already have ich on the fins alrdy :( any recommendation on medicated frozen food? my powder tang is still scared i think. whenever i stare at my tank it just went to hide behind the rocks.

new or old tank, ich is almost unavoidable. Best way is to catch your fishes out and do copper treatment. The right cycle doesn't mean no ich.

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You can get a tub which has a 2 foot diameter from Sungei Rd - a shop nears thieve's market. What you will need to do is put them in water which has been taken from your tank - 50% of it and balance with water prepared using salt mix. Maybe its a better idea to put them into 100% new water so that no ich gets transferred. Now you can start treating your tank. Drop the salinity gradually to 1.010 and see how it goes. Remove 5% of water from your tank everyday and add treated ro/di water. Test with a refractometer each time you do this to check on the SG level. Keep doing this until it reaches 1.010. Monitor the fish and once they are okay bring the salinity back up gradually. Once you transfer the coral you can enrich the water with Kent Microvert & Zooplex. A cap of each every alternate day. Day 1 Microvert then skip then day 3 Zooplex and go on like that. I've read that fish can fight off diseases on their own if the water quality is good and you don't overstock your tank. There is another treatment which you can use in conjunction with HYPO Salinity. The use of garlic. There are some articles on this. Im not sure if you are supposed to add crushed garlic to your tank or add the juice that is extracted.


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You can get a tub which has a 2 foot diameter from Sungei Rd - a shop nears thieve's market. What you will need to do is put them in water which has been taken from your tank - 50% of it and balance with water prepared using salt mix. Maybe its a better idea to put them into 100% new water so that no ich gets transferred. Now you can start treating your tank. Drop the salinity gradually to 1.010 and see how it goes. Remove 5% of water from your tank everyday and add treated ro/di water. Test with a refractometer each time you do this to check on the SG level. Keep doing this until it reaches 1.010. Monitor the fish and once they are okay bring the salinity back up gradually. Once you transfer the coral you can enrich the water with Kent Microvert & Zooplex. A cap of each every alternate day. Day 1 Microvert then skip then day 3 Zooplex and go on like that. I've read that fish can fight off diseases on their own if the water quality is good and you don't overstock your tank. There is another treatment which you can use in conjunction with HYPO Salinity. The use of garlic. There are some articles on this. Im not sure if you are supposed to add crushed garlic to your tank or add the juice that is extracted.

erm, can be simpler? i'm sorry aye! certain chim words i dont get what you mean ><. you have facebook or smth? easier to talk lol.

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in my personal opinion, ich is ever present in the a marine tank setup.it's a matter of how strong your fish is able to fight it off. You can try Hypo but if you have many corals in your tank which have already encrusted to your rocks then it is impossible to remove. So your next alternative is to catch the fish and QT them again using the Hypo method and leave your tank fishless for about 6 weeks.

I did that when I first started out and I had 2 outbreaks of velvet... all my fish died accept for my tomato clown which managed to survive 2 outbreaks AND freshwater dipping.

If you are unable to catch your fish, then it's a matter of hoping they carry on eating and build up strength. I tend to overfeed whenever I add in new fishes, more pellets, more flakes, I use Dr Basselers and I soak my PE Mysis in Selcon & Garlic Guard for my fishes to eat. As long as the fish is still eating and swimming, then it's alright.

when you add new fish to your system, it's good to float the bag so that the temp of the water in the bag gradually becomes the same as your tank or for sensitive fishes like Powders and tangs, to use the drip method.

good luck

Cheers, ;)


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in my personal opinion, ich is ever present in the a marine tank setup.it's a matter of how strong your fish is able to fight it off. You can try Hypo but if you have many corals in your tank which have already encrusted to your rocks then it is impossible to remove. So your next alternative is to catch the fish and QT them again using the Hypo method and leave your tank fishless for about 6 weeks.

I did that when I first started out and I had 2 outbreaks of velvet... all my fish died accept for my tomato clown which managed to survive 2 outbreaks AND freshwater dipping.

If you are unable to catch your fish, then it's a matter of hoping they carry on eating and build up strength. I tend to overfeed whenever I add in new fishes, more pellets, more flakes, I use Dr Basselers and I soak my PE Mysis in Selcon & Garlic Guard for my fishes to eat. As long as the fish is still eating and swimming, then it's alright.

when you add new fish to your system, it's good to float the bag so that the temp of the water in the bag gradually becomes the same as your tank or for sensitive fishes like Powders and tangs, to use the drip method.

good luck

whats PE mysis? er sorry shortcut words for me i'll get confused >< im still like quite new. haha

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whats PE mysis? er sorry shortcut words for me i'll get confused >< im still like quite new. haha

sorry triple posting. from what i know tangs are herbivorous and how do i feed them with pallets from dr bassler. cause i do have dr bassler pallets.

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