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Additives and dosing methods

Zoa guy

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Hi all, i've started this thread to discuss about how and what we dose for our tanks. Do your just dose two-parts, or each and every component? I think it would be helpful to share what kind of aquariums you have and what kind additives you dose for it and how u dose it, like do you use a dosing pump, a diy drip system?

Also, nowadays, there is an ever increasing range of additives. What do you feel about them? are they good, economical, reliable? Just share your views about the additives u like and dislike. :lol:

So to get the ball rolling....heres a description of my tank and my dosing stuff....

Type of aquarium: Mixed reef, mostly softies, a clam and a few lps.

Size of aquarium:24gal

Additives used: Kent Marine liquid calcium reactor and calcium gluconate

method of dosing: manual dosing

rate of consumption of calcium: 0.5g/day

So please share your dosing methods and your opinions on the different brands and types of additives.


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