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Blue Harbor aquarium


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Hey reefers, had to the chance to visit Osaka and took this opportunity to visit Blue Harbor. Getting there was a challenge as the map on its website wasn't clear so had to really base on a trail and error.

Main entrance, location of the shop is like sea life, hard to find but once its found you'll be super excited.


Various tanks with various corals, from sps, lps and softies. Notice that they used a lot of LEDs for their main tanks, holding tanks and display tanks


Centropyge interruptus


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  • SRC Member

Hey reefers, had to the chance to visit Osaka and took this opportunity to visit Blue Harbor. Getting there was a challenge as the map on its website wasn't clear so had to really base on a trail and error.

Main entrance, location of the shop is like sea life, hard to find but once its found you'll be super excited.


Various tanks with various corals, from sps, lps and softies. Notice that they used a lot of LEDs for their main tanks, holding tanks and display tanks


Centropyge interruptus


wah wah wah.... :shock::shock::shock:

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upz for u bro...

nice job... XIN KU le..


Hope i can find it too when im there..

My 3ft tank

Dimension --> 3ftx1.5ftx2ft

Ehiem 1262 return

Ehiem 1260

Artica 1/5hp Chiller

Tunze 6055 + 7091 single controller

EcoTech Marine Vortech MP40W

Royal Exclusive Mini BubbleKing 160

Lumenarc 250watt 10K BLV

02x Giesemann T5 39watt (blue + Actinic)

Deltec 501 CR

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  • Senior Reefer

"LFS in other parts of the world is like"

blue habor is not just any other LFS in any other part of the world.

Blue habor is THE lfs in the WORLD.

the number of super rare fish they bring in is really, uncoutable. and many species are only brought in once and by them only.

the fishes they sell sometimes can be even more expensive than a car.

going there in an honour and i hope you got to meet Koji Wada.

personatus angel juvenile?

earlei wrasse?

hybrid coral beauty x multicolor (world's only)

and a whole longer list of fishes so rare that no one here can even fathom.

jeremy you are really lucky.

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V soon, one day i'll also visit BH and hopefully bring something back from the shop.

i want to visit them too!

a reef builders cover write up on bluehabour's rare fish and shop. that will be so awesome for me to write up on.

but going to japan is expensive :(

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More pictures of the fishes in BH. Didn't get to see Mr Wada and also didn't get to go into the office/room where they keep the rare fishes. When i say rare fishes i think many will know what i'm talking about.

A write of to their office, very different from the one i went to. Maybe the pictures are from the old office?


Anyway more pics of the life stock in BH. Took some fishes that were for sale and also some of the rare ones. I could have ID wrongly so those who know pls share.

Genicanthus lamarck x Genicanthus semifasciatus hybrid? Showing signs of swimming bladder problem, keeps swimming in a head down position


Golden hawk fish?


Juv Africanus hybrid? base on book juv are deep purple and they don't have a white band


Basslet? Hogfish?



Aya butterfly?



Now here are some of the shots of the fishes in this exclusive FOWLR tank.




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Well that's all i took from BH. Will try to post more pictures of overseas LFS (OLFS) am now looking forward to Vivid Aquarium in LA and Manhatten Aquarium in NYC

Maybe visit a S.African LFS and get hold of a tiger!! heard its a banned fish for export but its caught aplenty by local fishermen

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i want to visit them too!

a reef builders cover write up on bluehabour's rare fish and shop. that will be so awesome for me to write up on.

but going to japan is expensive :(

Air ticket is dirt cheap now go and Google air tix to japan, do it whilst it last, you should go Tokyo and visit BBOX, Aqualovers, Natural fish and corals. Osaka only has BH.

Yes visiting Japan is not cheap. And if i wanna bring something back from BH it'll be even more expensive!

Yes totally agree. Fishes and corals are expensive.

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  • Senior Reefer



the first photo is an unidentified genicanthus hybrid. possible lamarck x melanospilos. V rare and we posted it before.

2nd photo is golden hawk

juv africanus. it is transitioning and losing the blue. the blue form is very shortlived.

the 4th photo is the v rare snow basslet. digiman has one now.

5th photo is sanguineus hog fish. a very rare hogfish from hawaii islands ONLY.

6th photo is west african marcellae butterflyfish.

a juvenile mcculochi clownfish! SUPER RARE AND SUPER EX.


and lastly, golden fuscipinnis anthias.


DO get a chance to see the world's only coral beauty x multicolor hybrid in the show tank!

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Were the fishes in the exclusive FOWLR tank for sale too?

From what i know the guyanensis butterfly is not for sale.

You're right, the guyanensis and the golden fuscipinnis anthers were not for sale. The tank was dimly lit and the fishes show no fear, they keep coming up to investigate.

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You're right, the guyanensis and the golden fuscipinnis anthers were not for sale. The tank was dimly lit and the fishes show no fear, they keep coming up to investigate.

There r more fishes tat are for sale that u missed.

Like the candy basslet, lipogramma klayi, juvenile aya butterfly, plectranthias winniensis, moustache jawfish etc.

I guess they are less showy compared to the fishes u've taken photograph of that's why they did not capture your attention.

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the first photo is an unidentified genicanthus hybrid. possible lamarck x melanospilos. V rare and we posted it before.

2nd photo is golden hawk

juv africanus. it is transitioning and losing the blue. the blue form is very shortlived.

the 4th photo is the v rare snow basslet. digiman has one now.

5th photo is sanguineus hog fish. a very rare hogfish from hawaii islands ONLY.

6th photo is west african marcellae butterflyfish.

a juvenile mcculochi clownfish! SUPER RARE AND SUPER EX.


and lastly, golden fuscipinnis anthias.


DO get a chance to see the world's only coral beauty x multicolor hybrid in the show tank!

You'll get your chance, the unidentified genicanthus hybrid was in their DT, beautiful fish, sad that it was showing signs of swimming bladder problem. A 1" venustus angel was also spotted in the tank.

Yes the McCuloni clown fishes were going for close to ¥58,000, expensive but looks really beautiful, out of the ordinary.

No didn't manage to go into the office to view their much talked about tank, maybe you'll get the chance. A coral beauty x multicolour hybrid? Possible to share the write up? Something really new.

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There r more fishes tat are for sale that u missed.

Like the candy basslet, lipogramma klayi, juvenile aya butterfly, plectranthias winniensis, moustache jawfish etc.

I guess they are less showy compared to the fishes u've taken photograph of that's why they did not capture your attention.

Did saw the candy basslet but had a hard time taking it as it was pretty high up, yes yes I took picture of the moustache jaw fish that was housed with the McCulochi clown fishes, will post tmrw.

Didn't spot any juv aya butterfly or the Plectranthias winniensis could have been hiding in the PVC pipes.

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You'll get your chance, the unidentified genicanthus hybrid was in their DT, beautiful fish, sad that it was showing signs of swimming bladder problem. A 1" venustus angel was also spotted in the tank.

Yes the McCuloni clown fishes were going for close to ¥58,000, expensive but looks really beautiful, out of the ordinary.

No didn't manage to go into the office to view their much talked about tank, maybe you'll get the chance. A coral beauty x multicolour hybrid? Possible to share the write up? Something really new.

On their website they qouted 80,000 yen for each clown. So the actual price in the shop is cheaper.

thanks for sharing the pix and info. I'll visit BH hopefully end of year and hope by then there will still be some mccullochi clowns left for me.

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Did saw the candy basslet but had a hard time taking it as it was pretty high up, yes yes I took picture of the moustache jaw fish that was housed with the McCulochi clown fishes, will post tmrw.

Didn't spot any juv aya butterfly or the Plectranthias winniensis could have been hiding in the PVC pipes.

Their interruptus angel is not for sale right?

Is Blueharbor near the airport? Cos i'm wondering is it easy to pack and bring fishes back to singapore.

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  • Senior Reefer

the coral beauty hybrid with multicolor is not new.

it's v old but not many ppl know it's existance.

u should take a good photo so i could do a nice write up in rb.

there's only 2 documented multicolor hybrids.

this, and the very recent, multicolor x rusty!

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On their website they qouted 80,000 yen for each clown. So the actual price in the shop is cheaper.

thanks for sharing the pix and info. I'll visit BH hopefully end of year and hope by then there will still be some mccullochi clowns left for me.

The pricing I looked at could be wrong as there were more than 1 price tag, furthermore it is in Japanese. The only sales person that was able to communicate with me was rather busy so didn't ask. Yes hope that there will be some McCullochi clown fishes for you to bring back home and share with the reefing community.

The interruptus and the hybrid Genicanthus in the DT are not for sale. The fishes for sale are all housed in a separate room. Rare and exclusive fishes are housed in another separate tank totally cut off from the other popular fishes.

BH is far from the airport, from kansai int airport to Osaka is a good 60mins drive w/o peak hr traffic, once you're in the heart of Osaka getting to BH is a easy 15mins train ride plus a slow 15mins walk. If you need detail pictures of how to get to BH I have the pictured route. Hahaha

Glad to share this talked about LFS in Japan, credit should go to you guys. Without your craze and deep in depth knowledge of rare fishes, I believe I wouldn't have come across BH.

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  • Senior Reefer

the next time you go to japan,

you should visit Miyazaki if you have the chance. Wrasse expert Dr. Hiroyuki tanaka lives there.

you can visit him and tell him Lemon says hi.

japan is the country to go to if you are interested in rare marine fishes.

the fishes there are really crazy and un-dreamable.

some of the rare fishes they brought in in the past are about 400x rarer than what you posted here. and what you posted here today is already an astonishing feat in the industry!

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the coral beauty hybrid with multicolor is not new.

it's v old but not many ppl know it's existance.

u should take a good photo so i could do a nice write up in rb.

there's only 2 documented multicolor hybrids.

this, and the very recent, multicolor x rusty!

Don't think the staff will allow me in to take a pic of the hybrid. It's in the office right? and it's not really nice to take a picture without prior permission from mr wada.

But, but if I ever get the chance to see this beauty I will take as many good and perfect shots as possible.

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Yes if Mr koji wada was at the shop that day he would definitely show u his office and allow u to take tonnes of photos as i heard he is a v friendly person with a huge passion for rare and exotic fishes.

His private collection is the rarest in the world. The juvenile basabei butterfly, lanceolatus fairy wrasse, rubrolineatus anthias, tosanoides anthias, plectranthias pelicieri, etc etc were all in his private office tanks.

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