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Fish to avoid


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Hi Guys

I thought this would be useful, especially since a large number of us like to keep our tanks uncovered. We could all pool our experiences and list finicky fish that are prone to jumping. I will start with 2 of mine:-

1. Fairy Wrasse

2. Skunk Tilefish

P.S. both of the above didn't make it :-(


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Hi Guys

I thought this would be useful, especially since a large number of us like to keep our tanks uncovered. We could all pool our experiences and list finicky fish that are prone to jumping. I will start with 2 of mine:-

1. Fairy Wrasse

2. Skunk Tilefish

P.S. both of the above didn't make it :-(

Hi bro,

From what I'd experienced, most fishes will jump if spooked. Better to have some kind of

mesh over the tank if one wants long term enjoyment.

Hooked 4 life,


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Hi bro,

From what I'd experienced, most fishes will jump if spooked. Better to have some kind of

mesh over the tank if one wants long term enjoyment.

Hooked 4 life,



Aggression will cos most fish to leap also. Especially during feeding time.


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Recently my Blue striped angel & Flagfin angel both 5 inches landed dead onto my overflow chamber which i fitted with a 10" x 8" wide drip plate even though i already barricated the overflow perimeter with white grating upto 2 inches height.

Now as an extra precaution i covered top of overflow with a grating too.

My other past dead jumpers are Purple/Shunk/Blue head tile fishes, Scott fairy wrasse, Laboute wrasse, Fire/Flame gobies.

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Recently my Blue striped angel & Flagfin angel both 5 inches landed dead onto my overflow chamber which i fitted with a 10" x 8" wide drip plate even though i already barricated the overflow perimeter with white grating upto 2 inches height.

Now as an extra precaution i covered top of overflow with a grating too.

My other past dead jumpers are Purple/Shunk/Blue head tile fishes, Scott fairy wrasse, Laboute wrasse, Fire/Flame gobies.

Yeah boy fairy wrasses and skunk tiles - die die must not try unless you have a cover!!


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