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decom sale(422 reef tank) (422 fowlr tank)

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Dear reefers,

I'm decomming my 422 reeftank & 422 fowlr tank due to house renovations.- both in darkwood finish.

01 Reeftank and 01 Fowlr including return pump at $200

Artica chiller 1/4 at $550

Babyfish dosing pump at $150

Skimz skimmer SM150 with aquabee 2000 pump at $250

Skimz Fr at $35

UV light 55W at $150 with compatible pump

02 1 month old sun sun wavemaker at $15 each.

Life stocks (corals and fishes),liferocks, artificial rocks and etc..

Will take pics once i'm back from office tonite..

I will have to collate all corals, fishes and other equiptments for listing

Please text me at 92777108 for viewing.Only available tomorrow.

Many thanks.

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Dear friends,

Items on sale-

a.422 tank with cabinet,sump and return pump at $200 - pls refer pics

b.422 tank with cabinet,sump and return pump at $150- pls refer pics


1.02 3 inches purple tangs at $50

2.02 3 inches yellow tangs at $35

3. 3 inches fat selfin tang at $20

4. 1 pair of true perc $60

5. 1 pair of occelaris clown at $50

6. 2.5 flame angel at $40

7. longnose hawkfish $10

8. Yellow wrasse at $10

9. Flasher wrasse at $7

10.10 chromis at $10

11.4 inches emperor angel at $40

12.4.5 inches blue face angel at $50

13.4.5 inches friendly indian black trigger at $40

14. Boxer shrimp,skunks and firered shrimps all at $10

15. All Liferocks including 05 artificial rocks and few artificial corals at $100 - pls refer to pics of fowlr tank

16. All Liferocks at reeftank at $70


17. Green bubbles at $25

18. RBTA with attached rocks at $50

19. Supersun 14 heads at $40

20. 03 brains at $15 each

21. 5 inches clam at $35

22. 3.5 inches clam at $25

23. 03 2.5 inches clam at $20

24. All mushroom and yomas at $10 each

25. Other LPS at $20 please refer pics


26.Skimz skimmer SM150 at $250

27.Skimz Fr at $35

28.Weipro 55w with compatible pump at $150

29.Sunsun JVP201 wavemaker at $15 each

30.hammerhead glass cleaner with xtra pad at $60

31.4feet DE lightings with 4 ATI tubes at $200

32.02 4feet Aquazonic lightings with 02 ATI tubes each at $60

33.01 quarintine tank with pump and lights and a small tank with internal pump and led light both at $40 - pls ref pics

34.All additives in bundle at $30

35.Containers and jerrycans at $10each

36.2 littlefishes bioplastics pallets half left at $$30

37.All test kits in a bundle at $30

Thank you.

my tank.doc

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Latest updates..

Items on sale-

a.422 tank with cabinet,sump and return pump at $200 - pls refer pics

b.422 tank with cabinet,sump and return pump at $150- pls refer pics


1.02 3 inches purple tangs at $50

2.02 3 inches yellow tangs at $35

3. 3 inches fat selfin tang at $20

4. 1 pair of true perc $60

5. 1 pair of occelaris clown at $50

6. 2.5 flame angel at $40 - reserved by bro Solo77 97858...

7. longnose hawkfish $10

8. Yellow wrasse at $10

9. Flasher wrasse at $7 - reserved by bro BKBurger 97970...

10.10 chromis at $10

11.4 inches emperor angel at $40 - Reserved by bro BKBurger 97970...

12.4.5 inches blue face angel at $50 - Reserved by bro Wan 96254...

13.4.5 inches friendly indian black trigger at $40

14. Boxer shrimp,skunks and firered shrimps all at $10

15. All Liferocks including 05 artificial rocks and few artificial corals at $100 - pls refer to pics of fowlr tank

16. All Liferocks at reeftank at $70


17. Green bubbles at $25

18. RBTA with attached rocks at $50

19. Supersun 14 heads at $40 - Reserved by bro Solo77 9785....

20. 03 brains at $15 each

21. 5 inches clam at $35

22. 3.5 inches clam at $25

23. 03 2.5 inches clam at $20

24. All mushroom and yomas at $10 each

25. Other LPS at $20 please refer pics


26.Skimz skimmer SM150 at $250

27.Skimz Fr at $35

28.Weipro 55w with compatible pump at $150

29.Sunsun JVP201 wavemaker at $15 each

30.hammerhead glass cleaner with xtra pad at $60

31.4feet DE lightings with 4 ATI tubes at $200

32.02 4feet Aquazonic lightings with 02 ATI tubes each at $60

33.01 quarintine tank with pump and lights and a small tank with internal pump and led light both at $40 - pls ref pics

34.All additives in bundle at $30 - Reserved by bro Darkula 9477....

35.Containers and jerrycans at $10each

36.2 littlefishes bioplastics pallets half left at $$30

37.All test kits in a bundle at $30 - reserved by bro Drakula 9477...

#dosing pump reserved by bro Tansk pending collection

#Artica chiller reserved by bro Rafit pending collection

Thank you.

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frd,u got pm.:)

Dear bro Les71 and all good friends,

My sincere apologies.No offense intended. Due to my carelessness i forget to add each for the shrimps which resulted to misintepretation..It should be at $10 each.

If you're still keen please pm or text me. :bow:


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Thanks my good very friend..Possibility a 6 footer like yours? :groupwavereversed: Well... things will be clearer after my renovations.Cheers..

Yeah true that..And of course I wouldn't mind having a 6 footer reefing buddy....Lol..the more the merrier...

Hope it will be clearer after the reno.... more space = more options!!!

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Reduce price:

Liferocks to clear by today.

1. Liferocks at my 422 REEF tank with coraline algea more than 10kg reduced to $60

2. Liferocks and artificial rocks at my 422 FOWLR tank with nice shapes reduced to $88

Many thanks and best regards. :ThanxSmiley:

Liferocks with coralline algae for 422 tank.doc

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Latest updates:

1.Liferocks from my 422 reeftank - all for $60

2.Liferocks & 05 artificial rocks from my fowlr tank - all at $88


3.Flasher wrasse at $7

4.Purple dartfish at $10

5.Selfin tang 3inches at $10

6.firered shrimps at 10 each

7.black indian trigger 4.5inches at $40

8.occelaris black clown at $28

9.saddleback black clown at $5

10.boxer shrimp at $10


11. Mushrooms at $10

12. Yumas at $10

13. RBTA at $50

14. brain at $15

15. assorted lps at $20

# Clam maximus 4inches at $25

# Clam 3inches at $10


16. Skimmer Skimz sm150 at $250

17. 4feet T5 with 4ATI tubes from DE lightings at $150

18. Weipro UV light 55w with compatible pump at $138

19. Aquazonic 4feet T5 with ATI tubes including 02 spares at $50

20.01 resun pump s2000 at $10 - bought 2weeks ago unused but inside sump as spare

Thank you. :ThanxSmiley:

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Hi friends,

Latest updates:

Items to clear cash and carry-

1.Skimz SM150 skimmer at $250

2.UV light weipro 55W at $120 (price reduced)

3.4 feet Aquazonic T5 lights with ATI tubes including 2 spare tubes at $50

4. Clam maximus 4inches at $25

5. Clam 3inches at $10

6. Mushrooms at $10

7. Yumas at $10

8. RBTA at $$40 (price reduced)

9.boxer shrimp at $10

10.firered shrimps at $10 each

11.Skunk shrimps at $10 each

12.Longnose hawkfish $7

13.1 pair of true perc $50

14.Liferocks & 05 artificial rocks from my fowlr tank - all at $88

15.black indian trigger 4.5inches at $40

Thank you.

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