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New reefing adventure!


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  • SRC Member

thanks bro :)

I think it might be the passion for reefing that is fuelling my patience in this hobby...hope there is sufficient fuel left after all this! :erm:

Hope to have the first batch of swimmers in before december :)

we can be your fuel bro!! if by december no swimmers we shall donate desi to you to swim for an hour... hahaha

A man with a reef tank is a man with an empty wallet...

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Good Skimmer! Already producing skimmate.. eeks..

Remember to have clear view of ur Skimmer collection cup. Else you have to open the cabinet time check every time Bro.


Thanks for the concern bro! :friends:

Actually in the past my skimmer cup overflowed many times stinking up the living room...so this time round, the outlet from the collection cup is placed at the drain :)

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1 month and the tank still not done? I think it must be very stressful for you and your family... I think you should share your experience and what difficulties you have faced. Good luck and look forward to seeing the finished tank!

On a brighter note, any thoughts of what to stock?

Hi bro,

I really super newbie especially when it comes to fishes...very limited knowledge and will gladly soak up any constructive advise experience reefers here have to offer! :ThanxSmiley:

I do have some preferences though...I do like tangs :paiseh:

Achilles, blue, chevron, powder blue, tomini (too many tangs in one tank? will try to choose 2-3 but I like all!)

I also want to get some schooling fish, desi was suggesting anthias...I like Bartlett :)

Tomorrow going to tour lfs in the west...think will start with some cleaning crew :D

I set up a temp QT that I got from a fellow reefer just incase my hands get itchy, wanna let the main QT pipping be completed first


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The Lightset looks good. Can show more details of the rail/bracket?

Btw your patience is admirable, this hobby was made for you!


Nice tank, possible to show details of how your light set is hung and may I know who did the light set for you?

Skimmer shipment delayed?

hi bros,

Managed to get a couple more shots of the lighting rig...not sure if it is clearer though :blush:



a small 'shelf' was made to place the excess power chords as well as controllers

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  • SRC Member

Tomorrow going to tour lfs in the west...think will start with some cleaning crew :D

I set up a temp QT that I got from a fellow reefer just incase my hands get itchy, wanna let the main QT pipping be completed first


i think the best place for you to visit tomorrow would be CF..

you can get all your cleaning crew there..

QT tank! :thumbsup:

keep the updates coming... :)

My Decomissioned 2ft Cube: (31st March 2011)

Carpe Diem~!!!

My Current 4ft X 2ft X 2ft:

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  • SRC Member

I really envy u bro. U really put in alot of effort on setting up ur tank. 

Btw my advise on fishes is tat u really need to plan out on wat fish u wan. Since u like tang, i suggest u to get all e tang tat u wan first before u getting any other type of fish. Tis to minimise itch outbreak. My choice for ur tang should be AT follow by hybrid PBT then black tang n last sohal tang. 

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  • SRC Member

Amused, for your tank size, you can prob keep 3-4 tangs.. as long as you don't get too big specimen. Sohal may be too big for you. Tangs are suspectible to ich.. can;t help it most of the time. You do need to plan carefully what you intend to keep and add the most aggressive fish last.

Anthias are good choice for schooling fishes.. so are chromis (but chromis usually not as nice but cheap. Also very greedy and will eat all your food before it reaches others.).

As Iggy has mentioned, you can go CF or LCK for fishes... if you going other places.. can check with desi. We going Pasir Ris later, prob around noon.

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I do have some preferences though...I do like tangs :paiseh:

Achilles, blue, chevron, powder blue, tomini (too many tangs in one tank? will try to choose 2-3 but I like all!)

With your open scapings, u can keep up to 4 or 5 tangs depending on the species and size of tangs u buy.

Tangs are well known for their ich (marine whitespots) problem and many reefers who spends thousands on their setups were beaten by this dreaded marine disease that usually come along with your favourite genus of fish, Tangs. You have a beautiful setup but if u dun plan carefully on your choice and rate of stocking you can be one of those unfortunate reefers who fell victim to ich. On the worst scenario you can be so beaten that you may even quit the hobby or shift completely to a FOWLR copper tank which will be an utter waste on such an expensive and beautiful setup.

The regal blue tang is a v popular and common fish in our hobby especially after the show finding nemo. I'm sure u know well about the fish already, so i'll touch on other tangs instead.

Three popular genus of tangs here: Zebrasoma, Acanthurus and Ctenochaetus.

Among these three i recommend u AVOID acanthurus family at the beginning. It is the most troublesome genus and also the most difficult to keep alive. The tangs under this family are achilles tang, sohal tang, powder blue tang, atlantic blue tang and clown tang. They are beautiful and popular but are difficult and problematic as they succumb most easily to ich, especially achilles tang. So although u like them a lot, i would discourage u to try them. Maybe after one year when your tank is v stable and established, then i suggest u to try one in your tank and start with powder blue as it is cheaper and not as tough as the other two. And from there restrict yourself to one or two only to keep ich under control.

My favourite is the zebrasoma family. They are colourful, hardy, stay smaller, easy to feed, and most important of all, least susceptible to ich compared to the other genus. The tangs included in this family are yellow tang, purple tang, scopas tang, black tang and gem tang. One thing to note is zebrasoma can be rather aggressive, especially purple tang. So if u can add them all at one go or use the betta box method. Not more than two to three zebrasoma tangs in your 4 ft is recommended.

Lastly the Ctenochaetus (also called bristletooth) family is good for algae control. They are moderately hardy, easy to feed but grow up ugly. When they are smaller they are cute and colorful, but they quickly lose the cuteness and color at 3" and above. Luckily many bristletooth tangs are collected tiny, about and inch or slightly bigger. Some bristletooth includes the popular chevron tang, tomini tang and kole tang. If u buy them small, keeping two to three bristletooths in your 4ft is not an issue.

Stocking slowly and wisely will keep ich under control.

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Actually centropyges are also good algae eaters, had a couple of them and they greedily consume algae off tank walls and rocks. Plus they are less prone to ich, colourful with fiesty characters and always come in small sizes.

Many many fishes to plan Paul, since your tank is not fully commissioned, do some homework, as mentioned by Ketchup and Digiman, plan properly. Also when buying fishes from reefers do know the history of the tank.

reef on buddy

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Thanks bro! will go ask CR :)

Just went over to bro Wilson's place for a peep at his gorgeous new tank.

I think Wilson has got a very good solution for your skimmer platform, as he is also in the midst of setting up his tank, why not catch up with him over kopi and perhaps he could share some lights with you on some of the things he is employing, may comes useful for your new set up too :friends:

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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Today marks the 3 week anniversary of my cycling!

Really want to thank everyone for such great and detailed advise on ls stocking in relation to Tangs (especially bro digiman!) will continue to do homework :)

Sorry bro but by the time I read your post, I had already come back with a small PBT :paiseh:

Placed him and a few other LS in my QT since Wednesday and just last night finally brought the salinity to around 12ppt for hypo treatment...will be another long countdown before he enters the main tank :snore:

Might be giving up my goal of keeping an AT though...see how things go first :)

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Just went over to bro Wilson's place for a peep at his gorgeous new tank.

I think Wilson has got a very good solution for your skimmer platform, as he is also in the midst of setting up his tank, why not catch up with him over kopi and perhaps he could share some lights with you on some of the things he is employing, may comes useful for your new set up too :friends:

Thanks bro!

Yup have been meaning to check out his spanking new tank! now have another reason to go :thumbsup:

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Haha. Paul, mine is just using a simple home use equipment. Nothing fanciful.

The only wow factor is probably the number of pipes running in the sump. Haha. Then again, yours is also quite complex. ;)

Btw good luck on the PBT. I've got one in my frag tank now. Hoping that it will be accustomed to the new tank when it's ready to stock.

If you free, can drop by this coming weekend. Or perhaps the upcoming Monday holiday? We can go pasir ris after that. ;) or better still, pay Cedric a visit. And that's when u get the real wow!


decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Haha. Paul, mine is just using a simple home use equipment. Nothing fanciful.

The only wow factor is probably the number of pipes running in the sump. Haha. Then again, yours is also quite complex. ;)

Btw good luck on the PBT. I've got one in my frag tank now. Hoping that it will be accustomed to the new tank when it's ready to stock.

If you free, can drop by this coming weekend. Or perhaps the upcoming Monday holiday? We can go pasir ris after that. ;) or better still, pay Cedric a visit. And that's when u get the real wow!


Hey bro really looking forward to checking out your innovative home solution! Unfortunately I have to work during the holiday <_<

But let me know what time you going pasir ris...more importantly if you are visiting Cedric!!! (Cedric, can I gate crash to check out your amazing tank in person?)

So far my PBT is feeding on pellets but I'm trying to get it feeding on Henry's wholesome and nutritious stuff but still not eating :(

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Some pictorial updates :)

QT and Skimmer cover completed


Some reworked scapings (brought back some corals from the pico at my office)


Right side


Left side




Window side


Also tested Ammonia and Nitrite..both 0 :)

Haven't tested for Nitrate yet, gonna do a 50% water change this weekend (I hope)

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Hey bro really looking forward to checking out your innovative home solution! Unfortunately I have to work during the holiday dry.gif

But let me know what time you going pasir ris...more importantly if you are visiting Cedric!!! (Cedric, can I gate crash to check out your amazing tank in person?)

So far my PBT is feeding on pellets but I'm trying to get it feeding on Henry's wholesome and nutritious stuff but still not eating :(

Bro, congrats on getting PBT to feed on pellets! sorry to know u have to work on a public holiday....

let's arrange for a time to drop by Cedric's... let me know when u free... im just 3 mins drive away from his place.

btw, nice cabinet... thought a see-thru for skimmer would be better though. and it seems the new rocks are looking good... more purple than green huh... did u change all of them?

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Finally! At last the longest built on SRC is completed! just kidding bro.. things look great! Let us know when you free, we can go CA's place together:) We just went on Friday night :)

Also, let's have a tank-warming session at your place when you ready :)

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