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peacemaker's Office Nano V4


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Looking good, did you leave your lights on while cycling?

Can you PM the price of your tank? Thinking of changing my current tank design.


Yes, I did leave my lights on during this cycling. I don't think diatoms are directly related to light, but more to it being new tank syndrome. It should go away once things a stable.

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the diatoms look wicked

For some strange reason, I kinda like it... for now. :upsidedown: The biggest rock is a little too white. From a live rock, dried to the bone to rid it of all the unwanted stuff, dumped in my home sump tank for many months to culture bacteria before using it in this nano.

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  • SRC Member

Bro, the LED is MR16 socket? Is it tight? It is just plug in only...

Yup, the sockets are pretty tight. Hold both lamps well. I can't say for the lamp holder though... made the holes a little too big, hence the use of cable ties to secure. :paiseh:

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Yup, the sockets are pretty tight. Hold both lamps well. I can't say for the lamp holder though... made the holes a little too big, hence the use of cable ties to secure. :paiseh:

Becos it looks very loose.. LOL.. Who many watt is the LED?

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Some updates...

I've added the cleaning crew. The list are as follows:

1x Tuxedo Urchin

1x Red Scarlet Hermit Crab

10x Nassarius Sp. Snails (the mini kind)

1x Sand Dollar

They have done a pretty awesome job so far, but I ran out of patience for a clean tank, so I gave Dum Dum and the rocks a little scrubbing during water change. -_-





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Added some coralline algae flakes from my home tank to seed this one.

Bio-load is really light at the moment, so the BM NAC 3.5 doesn't skim much out. Its green tea for now.

I had an Ice Probe that was laying around, so I thought I'd give it a try to see if it could keep my tank cool when the A/C is off. I'm surprised it could keep the tank at 25oC. Prolly works well for weekends, but not for long periods. I'll put it at the filter compartment when I have time to DIY some kind of holder.




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I failed miserably at my first attempt to somewhat force my Yasha pair and pistol shrimp to use the DIY burrow. I used a tao hui tub, cut a hole and placed the trio with the hole of the container towards the burrow. The shrimp escaped before I could even reach the burrow, and the size of the cut out was too big, so the Yashas eventually explored every other area EXCEPT where I want them to be. <_< I left them on their own, but it bugs me not to be able to watch them at all, which completely defeats the original purpose of having the DIY burrow.

While removing the rocks and Dum Dum for the scrub, I discovered that one of the Yashas didn't make it. :cry: I removed the remaining Yasha, the pistol shrimp, and devised attempt No. 2. I cut one 1.5l bottle in half and use it as a funnel. This helped to guide the pair to the burrow without much problems.

Here are some peekaboo pics. I still want a pair of Yashas, so I'll be looking out for a replacement as soon as shipment comes.




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Current FTS. I'm going really slow in terms of stocking and adding of corals, so this might be a bit boring. Little sprouts of hair algae have grown on the rocks and even on Dum Dum, so I hope the hermit does its work.


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Current FTS. I'm going really slow in terms of stocking and adding of corals, so this might be a bit boring. Little sprouts of hair algae have grown on the rocks and even on Dum Dum, so I hope the hermit does its work.

looks pretty clean and neat....think i might get one of these wicked looking tuxedo....

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Current FTS. I'm going really slow in terms of stocking and adding of corals, so this might be a bit boring. Little sprouts of hair algae have grown on the rocks and even on Dum Dum, so I hope the hermit does its work.

Looking good bro. Nice yashia. Let me know how the hermit does....

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Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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