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NEW Aquatic Pets! Triops..


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Here is the background....



UAN Biotech has developed a NEW Aquatic Pet, UANTriops that is the most valuable life science educational product in the world for teaching kids and students about a prehistoric living fossil from dinosaur age and its entire life cycle.

UANTriops are also called Triops Longicaudatus. The name Triops refers to the appearance of three eyes and longicaudatus refers to the elongated tail structures.

Fossil Record

Triops is a fresh water crustacean. They are considered living fossil, with a fossil record that reaches back to 200 million years ago. They were found in rocks of Carboniferous age and they have hardly changed since the Jurassic period. Triops is one of the oldest animal species still in existence.

Life Cycle

Triops eggs enter a state of extended diapause when dry. The eggs will break the dormancy when water is absorbed. After hatching, Triops grow quickly to their adult length of one to three inches. They often double in size daily! How large they grow depends on the space, water quality, and food they receive. Triops have a relatively short life span of 20 to 90 days.


It is fun to observe UANTriops performing the amazing acrobatic and upside-down swimming. They obtain oxygen from the water through their legs. A healthy adult Triops often swims on its back to sweep food into its mouth by using its many legs (approx. 72 pairs of legs). A bright red color chest is the healthy sign for UANTriops.

UANTriops grows by shedding its exoskeleton, the entire external skeleton that supports and protects its body. In approximately eight days, UANTriops will reach maturity.

Millions of kids have experienced this unique experiment to bring a prehistoric living fossil back to life. Just add water to UANTriops eggs that are in diapause dormancy, you can watch it grow from larva to adulthood the entire life cycle right before your very own eyes just in a few days.


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Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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Was introduced in Aquarama mah... And it was sold out like during trade days as it is quite cheap...

Cheap? How much they selling that period?


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Cheap? How much they selling that period?

I think was around 20-30, I heard... I never go and ask... This was not the first time it came, I seen it before in previous aquarama...

How much is it now?

Edited by Terryz_

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I think was around 20-30, I heard... I never go and ask... This was not the first time it came, I seen it before in previous aquarama...

How much is it now?

Ya... Shld be 20/pack.. but now on offer 2 for 36 save $4..


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Interested Triops life cycle pics from Wiki..... :thumbsup:


1. Metanauplius hatches from the egg, having three pairs of limbs: the antennules, antennae and mandibles.


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Interested Triops life cycle pics from Wiki..... :thumbsup:


2.Three hours later, the trunk segments become defined and the telson begins to form.


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Interested Triops life cycle pics from Wiki..... :thumbsup:


4. After 15 h, it has the major characteristics of the adult form.


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Interested Triops life cycle pics from Wiki..... :thumbsup:


5. 24 h after hatching, it very nearly resembles a miniature of the adult form.


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Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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Interested Triops life cycle pics from Wiki..... :thumbsup:


6. Two days after hatching, the Triops has essentially completely taken the appearance of an adult.


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Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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  • SRC Member

keep them with subtrate... after they die off, dry the media then add water... u might get baby triops..

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Just saws at C328 this afternoon. It outside beside the betta tank.

Was there this afternoon too.. didn't pay attention :P Will check again tmr.. Looks like Triops everywhere recently...

Below vids on Triops eat fish meat....


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Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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