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Need to Save My Remaining Hermit Crabs..

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hi there guys.total newbie here.

i bought a supposed easy maintenence small nano tank which came with two fishes two corals,sand and tank at an aquarium recently.

did as the shop people told me.washed the sand.than put it into the tank.added the saltwater given.inserted the two coral rocks.

after that added my two clown fish and two hermit crabs.

two days later added another clown fish and a blue tang.

fed the fishes twice daily,and added the coral food once a day.

less than a week,my first clown died,then the blue tang the day later.

last of my fishes just died today:( water seems to be murky as hell.

even the corals seem to be something wrong.

im down to my last two hermit crabs.

what do i do to remedy the situation?

want to save the crabs if possible.

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one more new gut cheap by the "black shop"

to save ur crabs.Best is to give it to other bro who have a stable tank. so u can go get some Seawater can keep them in the seawater for a while, while u cycle ur tank.

My friend, u should read on the basic setup before u start. from what u write, can see u have not cycle your tank at all.

pls read more before u start. Fail to plan, Plan to fail.

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so do i overhaul the entire tank now?

anything specific to do?

I suspect your corals are touching, make sure you separate them. If they are touching each other, it's prob chemical warfare thus your tank gets cloudy.

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hi there guys.total newbie here.

i bought a supposed easy maintenence small nano tank which came with two fishes two corals,sand and tank at an aquarium recently.

did as the shop people told me.washed the sand.than put it into the tank.added the saltwater given.inserted the two coral rocks.

after that added my two clown fish and two hermit crabs.

two days later added another clown fish and a blue tang.

fed the fishes twice daily,and added the coral food once a day.

less than a week,my first clown died,then the blue tang the day later.

last of my fishes just died today:( water seems to be murky as hell.

even the corals seem to be something wrong.

im down to my last two hermit crabs.

what do i do to remedy the situation?

want to save the crabs if possible.

Hi bro from Afghanistan,

Sad to hear your lost :( !

My suggestion to you is re-do the tank again by doing proper ANN cycling for at least a month before adding any fishes and corals from now onward.

Btw, Welcome to SRC :P !


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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I suspect your corals are touching, make sure you separate them. If they are touching each other, it's prob chemical warfare thus your tank gets cloudy.

Totally unrelated and chemical warfare will not cause your tank to get cloudy..

Edited by Terryz_

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The cause is definitely Becos the tank is not cycled... whichever shop it is I will not go back and patron that shop.. Totally rubbish..

And a nano tank is not meant for newbie as the parameter is more unstable than bigger tank.. but can be done if you have done your homework and the basics right..

First give the crab to a lfs or another reefer near you to keep as they will still die in your tank..

Next, restart your tank, clear out all the water leave the sand as it is. Add new saltwater and add the livestock and let it cycle for 1 month.., you can buy the ammonia ,nitrite and nitrate testkit to test the parameter.. Get 0ppm on ammonia and nitrite before adding any livestock.. Do a 50% water change before adding to reduce the nitrate..

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