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For those who like to DIY your chiller


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  • SRC Member

Should have seen this article when I still had my nano shrimp tank...the way he assemble everything and get it to work is just so simple. but nvr state how fast it goes down to 25deg.

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  • SRC Member

unless come in a package and just need to assemble

sourcing for the parts gona be tough

the peltier and the heatsink / psuppy should be able to get . maybe some variations in specs. but the peltier i think not gona be cheap. other than that the rest are avail in sls.

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  • SRC Member

If the whole assembly is not too heavy, it might be possible to redesign into a HOB chiller. Won't that be extra neat?

the heatsink is really heavy and have some weight. maybe everything inside a compartment still ok hide behind tank... but hob i doubt so...stress on the thin glass tank.

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  • SRC Member

Wow! I was looking for that water in/out compartment for the peltier to DIY chiller for nano crs tank :thumbsup: Anyone knows where to get the exact same head ?

Thats a water block . can get similar they used for those cpu water cool system.

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  • SRC Member

Peltier design... I guess it works the same way as iceprobe.

The electrical consumption will be quite high i supposed.

There's a thread on this at another local freshwater forum. Maybe they have information on sourcing the components.

Best Regards,



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