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Anemone ID

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Just bought this Anemone yesterday and very happy that when I dropped it in the water my 2 clowns hosted at it at once. I hope it stays that way!

Problem is it started moving around and doesn't care about other corals :(. Will it kill other corals like Zoa?

Pls help to ID so can find specific ways to take care of it.


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Just bought this Anemone yesterday and very happy that when I dropped it in the water my 2 clowns hosted at it at once. I hope it stays that way!

Problem is it started moving around and doesn't care about other corals :(. Will it kill other corals like Zoa?

Pls help to ID so can find specific ways to take care of it.

Magnifica, Difficult anemone, require high light and high flow... Even with requirements, it is difficult to keep, a slight change, they will move location... And will melt for no reason..

Please do research before buying livestock, not all the livestock that LFS bring in are suitable for beginners...

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Magnifica, Difficult anemone, require high light and high flow... Even with requirements, it is difficult to keep, a slight change, they will move location... And will melt for no reason..

Please do research before buying livestock, not all the livestock that LFS bring in are suitable for beginners...

Do not confuse high flow with direct flow. Most anemones hate direct flow and will move away from it. Anemones need to be placed just below a major flow current so they can extend there tentacle into that flow to catch food.

I agree though that Anemones need to be researched before you buy them as even when knowing about them they are difficult to keep happy.

And to reply to original poster yes they are very capable of destroying any coral they come across. Not in the least be carefull for all your power heads as they will always end up in one at some point.

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Do not confuse high flow with direct flow. Most anemones hate direct flow and will move away from it. Anemones need to be placed just below a major flow current so they can extend there tentacle into that flow to catch food.

I agree though that Anemones need to be researched before you buy them as even when knowing about them they are difficult to keep happy.

And to reply to original poster yes they are very capable of destroying any coral they come across. Not in the least be carefull for all your power heads as they will always end up in one at some point.

Yup, not direct flow, My previous few magnifica is just below the MP40 flow area but that is relatively high flow too..

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btw, regarding the power head. you guys mean that it can get stuck there even there's a cover? powerhead comes with mesh thing so things dont get sucked in right?

those meshes are too big. The anemone thinks it is a crevasse and try to squeeze itself through those as it is natural behavior of anemones to hide in little crevasses.

Some people put nylon stockings over their power heads to avoid this.

Make sure though they are not chemically treated.

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I agree, once the anemone settles in a one, try not to change any position of any pumps, as they will move again. better leave it wheer it likes best.

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