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PH too low?

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PH is just an indicator of the water parameter.

What you should do is physically see the behaviour of your livestock. Don't worry too much if they stay healthy and look normal to you.

Meanwhile, try raising your MG level if it is too low as it may be a factor on you trying to raise the PH.

Also, remember too much poo poo from your fishes will also lower PH. You will need a more efficient skimmer to counter this effect of fish poo.

As earlier mention, if life stock is fine. Don't over worry yourself. :)


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I realized that my PH is only 7.89.

What will be the best remedy n least disturbing to the tank?

What will happen to my corals n livestock?

Hi, Vinc, Pls do monitor yr tank PH on day and night.. try to see what is the diff? How about yr previous PH value? Any live stock dying recently? Also, temporary remove all the carbon base filter media from yr tank.

you can try slow drip Kalkwasser base solution & monitor closely your PH..

Or you can try Caribsea AragaMIGHT buffer from RD..




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·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. >((((º>
Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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