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Weekly LFS & Shipment Updates - 11th to 17th Jul 2011

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  • Senior Reefer

I believe appreciation comes through exposure and sharing or even making aware of such fishes like what bro fuel said.

Every single fish that appears in our market has been extensively discussed in this forum by me and Digiman. We share extensively in the hybrid thread and the Lfs update thread. Everything here we put in the effort to share with the members and introduce new and interesting species.

So when people tell me they never get exposure, I tell them no. They just don't read.

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Every single fish that appears in our market has been extensively discussed in this forum by me and Digiman. We share extensively in the hybrid thread and the Lfs update thread. Everything here we put in the effort to share with the members and introduce new and interesting species.

So when people tell me they never get exposure, I tell them no. They just don't read.

The contribuitions made by you and digi and terryz (i rem somewhere he did talked about this fishy) is really phenomenon, and we are indeed very thankful for your willingness to share your knowledge

perhaps the community have taken things for granted and thus you have such strong feelings.

please continue to share about these fishes and hopefully hobbysit can come across them, but i think as for whether they would be excited or not about the fish in discussion would still be their decision. I think sometimes, hobbysits don't deliberately look at every fish being discussed in the forum too, so some of us might miss certain discussions when we don't log on frequently.

But i for one became more aware about this fish and did a search on the forums which returned many threads on this damsel. :)

Thanks again :)

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Hmmm i feel it really depend on what is the interest. Most of the local reefers are more into coral, so it LFS bring in unique or rare coral, a lot will be going after it if budget allow. Fishes at most is only to make the tank more lively so one will rather go for common, nice and easier fish then to go for unique/rare fishes which might be difficult to keep or some that might pose a threat to the coral. =)

Well said ..

Me only into corals ..

Even I go for fishes, which origin of the

Fishes don't really bother me that much.

Afterall it's the same kind of fish lol

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  • Senior Reefer

If everyone mentality is like that, we will never advance in the reeding scene as a country if everyone is so disinterested.

All shipments will then be boring fishes. If everyone doesn't mind then that's fine too. We'll just be contented with our usual fishes.

Anyway sorry for off topic

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There is also a write up about it found here



You may start to appreciate this fish, but it's always good to read up a bit more about the fish before purchasing it :)

apologies for the off-topic :)

This is so cool. I've alway been interested in damsels but though that damsel are aggressive and never know that there are damsels out there that are not aggressive. Will definitely give ML a call regarding this damsel.

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actually some senior reefers like me cannot remember much after reading. Nothing left on my right brain and nothing right on my left brain. Still sometimes i sms Lemon Lemo on the spot, and he is very gracious to answer and help me. But i should not push my luck too far. Smart phones comes in handy.

Its good to ask LFS owner but take the answer with a pinch of salt, after all he needs to make a living.

Cheers and sorry :off:

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Lemon on the rocks, sad to say, most reefers here congregate at pasar malam....(expression: dun waste yr precious time writing about fishes)...it's going to be like that for a long time to come...the usual type of fishes will always come...when i update yesterday, sealife has Centropyge venustus...the response seems lukewarm. End of the day, reefers here goes for familarity, not based on rarity or uniqueness of the fishes....we have a long way to go.

but keep writing about these rare and unique fishes...because some day, pple will start to get bored and will want to search for something different....(same goes for guys who are searching for women).

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  • Senior Reefer

Lemon on the rocks, sad to say, most reefers here congregate at pasar malam....(expression: dun waste yr precious time writing about fishes)...it's going to be like that for a long time to come...the usual type of fishes will always come...when i update yesterday, sealife has Centropyge venustus...the response seems lukewarm. End of the day, reefers here goes for familarity, not based on rarity or uniqueness of the fishes....we have a long way to go.

but keep writing about these rare and unique fishes...because some day, pple will start to get bored and will want to search for something different....(same goes for guys who are searching for women).

Not gonna waste my time anymore.

Thx for the reminder.

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Every single fish that appears in our market has been extensively discussed in this forum by me and Digiman. We share extensively in the hybrid thread and the Lfs update thread. Everything here we put in the effort to share with the members and introduce new and interesting species.

So when people tell me they never get exposure, I tell them no. They just don't read.

Strongly agreed !!! +10

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Not gonna waste my time anymore.

Thx for the reminder.

U r not wasting your time totally. There will always be at least one person who is interested, and that is me :)

We shall close this topic and not dilute this thread further.

Any updates? Be it rare or common.

Perhaps an update on how many sailfin anthias left at CF for those who just visited the place? I may need to get some females.

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An beng has juvenile morphing into adult queen angels x 2pcs, starkii damsel, Malaysian corals.

ML has about 5 springer damsel, queen angel, rock beauty, Argi angels, unique stubby coral beauty.

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Royal Gamma,

Flame Angel,

Yellow Tang,

Queen Angel,

King Angel,

Spotted at Ah Beng.

plus 2 starki damsel at the styrofoam box

Best Regards,



My Ocean Pets:

Emperor Angel, PowderBlue Tang, Regal Angel, Teardrop Butterfly, Singapore Angel and Nemos


(Only when you guard your lips, you guard your soul....)

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Hi, anyone knows the price of orchid dottybacks in LCK ?

4 red. Cheers.


LFS Map in singapore
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. >((((º>
Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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GO today:

Very nice prata...heard reserved... nice picked... :thumbsup:



LFS Map in singapore
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. >((((º>
Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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GO today:

Very nice prata...heard reserved... nice picked... :thumbsup:


Side view....



LFS Map in singapore
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. >((((º>
Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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