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Its not recommended to have fine white sand as your substrate. Crushed coral bits are the best. However, from an aesthetics point of view it maybe a good idea to have an inch of white sand with crushed coral bits on top. It's a good idea to have a fine mesh netting between the fine white sand and the crushed coral bits.

The benefits of having a primary substrate of crushed coral bits are so that:-

a) Sand doesn't get blown about by your water circulation

B) easier to do a gravel vac

c) Most importantly you don't get bits of sand blown into your LPS' which can damage them.

Happy Reefing & I hope this helps


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is this new way of setting up tank?

last time used to use have sand bed

most pic seen in the forum also using sand as substrate

Hi Bro

Personally i prefer a fine white sand bed cos it looks nice. But to have it entirely of fine white sand has its disadvantages. I guess its best to have it topped off with crushed coral bits. You can google it and check out the different views.


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is it recommended to get substrate like CaribSea Arag-Alive™ e.g. Fiji Pink, or Nature’s Ocean® Bio-Activ Live™ Aragonite ?

normal #0 sand from fish shop ok?

Hi Bro finind, IMHO Aragonite substrates are recommended for reef tanks. As for the size of the sand, it all depends on yr setup. If u hv a high current flow, try not to use sugar fine size or else u might see sand storm. Try getting size like 1mm or more. And if ur priority is deep sand bed in yr DT, then sugar fine sand is recommended, with 4" to 6" depth. For a more economical way, u can actually mix Live Aragonite Sand with Dry Aragonite Sand.... hope this help..... :)

Main Tank: 4x2x2 with 5 FT Piano Finishing Cabinet

Sump Tank: 32" by 18" by 16"

Arctica Chiller 1/4 HP DBE 200

Vortech MP40wES Wavemaker

Skimz 201 Skimmer

DE Lighting Retro Fit 6x54W T5 tubes

Eheim 1264 Chiller and Return Pump

American Pinpoint PH and Temperature Monitor

KDK 15WUD Chiller Compartment Fan

Tunze Osmolator ATO

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