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Share ways of doing water change


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  • SRC Member

I am sure that some of you have tanks larger than 4ft. I would like to get some views on what is the most efficient ways to change water at home. I have a 5x2.5x2.5 and changing water is a hassle for me. I have tried delivery service and of course at a price . Try salt mix and realize that it's alot of time taken to get it mix and prep them up in drums. My 60l drums x 2 can only change a fraction of the water change. Any other methods?

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Hi Bro,

Your tank volume is around 910 litres. All you really have to do is change 10% monthly. Thats 91 litres. Alternatively you could split this into 4 partial water changes every week so its easy to do. There are different schools of thought and i guess each has their own advantages. I guess its all a matter of what your tank prefers and over time we ought to be able to sense this.

I suppose with large tanks there really isn't a short cut. Its best to use a syphon to fill out 1.5 of your barrels from your sump and then add in the pre-mixed water if your doing it monthly. I guess you would need another two barrels or perhaps its better just to get 2 more bigger ones. Its good if you have a trolley cart to move the ones filled with water. Should make life that much easier.

Hope it helps.

Have a great Weekend



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  • SRC Member

Hi. Thanks for the tips.I decide to reposition my barrels nearer to kitchen. Placing them in the toilet wasn't a good place . I can easily mix salt and let it dissolve overnight and get to at least hide the barrel. I am using a siphon straight to drain when doing water change. Additional barrel is not feasible as lack of space. I normally would measue the surface vol that I require , mark out on the tank side and let the water drain until the level.

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  • SRC Member

What I've read about large tanks is that they have their own salt mixing tank for water changes.

You can try getting a standard 2ft tank (~60L) for mixing your premix overnight with a powerhead.

After siphoning, pump the water back into the main tank.. You don't even have to use barrels.

Just a suggestion. :thumbsup:

Sometimes the good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay. - Harvey Specter

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  • SRC Member

I Did consider doing a mixing tank with auto float and place in my current location kitchen sitting on the floor. Did some designs also with plumbing coming in from my ro/di but worry the glass get knock or crack accidentally. A rectangular cube 2.5ft all round would give approx 420litres of water change... But the cost of making the mixing tank is another factor.

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