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Cycling of water

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  • SRC Member

Hi all,

I am cycling my water.getting a new tank of 1.8ft cube.apart from dosing brightwell (bio-bacteria) and market prawn.is there anymore medical things that I need to dose to perfect my water for my tank for the nxt 6weeks.

Assist to feedback me. :ThanxSmiley:

-Main Display Tank : 2ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft c/w sump tank cabinet (Set up by aquarium artist)

-Lightings : 4 sets of 1.5ft mini aqua lumen LED lights (7 high power led 15W)

-Chiller: 1/4HP artica chiller with a standby of HC-100A

-Skimmer : Bubble Magnus 3 (cone)

-Phosphate Reactor

-NP Bio-pellet D&D onceanic hang-on reactor

-Wavemaker : MP10

-Temperature mointor : American Wireless pinpoint thermometer

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  • SRC Member

Bro,tks.previously,my water was not cycle properly and notice that my NO2 is high after putting in the LS.

-Main Display Tank : 2ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft c/w sump tank cabinet (Set up by aquarium artist)

-Lightings : 4 sets of 1.5ft mini aqua lumen LED lights (7 high power led 15W)

-Chiller: 1/4HP artica chiller with a standby of HC-100A

-Skimmer : Bubble Magnus 3 (cone)

-Phosphate Reactor

-NP Bio-pellet D&D onceanic hang-on reactor

-Wavemaker : MP10

-Temperature mointor : American Wireless pinpoint thermometer

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Bro,tks.previously,my water was not cycle properly and notice that my NO2 is high after putting in the LS.

Since you just cycling the tank so why you want to put in LS?

Market pawn should be sufficient liao dry.gif !


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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  • SRC Member

Sorry.wat i mean was,I had not properly check the water parameter with a good test kits (checking of NH4,NO2 and NO3).after that,I only realize that my cycling stage was not conducted properly after i put in the LS.

-Main Display Tank : 2ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft c/w sump tank cabinet (Set up by aquarium artist)

-Lightings : 4 sets of 1.5ft mini aqua lumen LED lights (7 high power led 15W)

-Chiller: 1/4HP artica chiller with a standby of HC-100A

-Skimmer : Bubble Magnus 3 (cone)

-Phosphate Reactor

-NP Bio-pellet D&D onceanic hang-on reactor

-Wavemaker : MP10

-Temperature mointor : American Wireless pinpoint thermometer

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Sorry.wat i mean was,I had not properly check the water parameter with a good test kits (checking of NH4,NO2 and NO3).after that,I only realize that my cycling stage was not conducted properly after i put in the LS.

Since when you start cycling your tank?


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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LS in as LiveStock or LiveSand ?

bacteria dosing kickstarts the process a little, so you might not see as high spike for the NO2 as you would without bacteria dosing.

Monitor for NO3 increases, that would indicate the bacteria at work.

FOWLR Tank : 48"x24"x30"

Sump: 36"x18"x20"

Return Pump : Rio 32HF

Skimmer: Reef Octopus DNW-110

Lighting: 150W MH

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  • SRC Member

Tks for all advice. So,meaning to said,just add prawn and let nature take effect from 4 to 6 weeks during cycling period.

-Main Display Tank : 2ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft c/w sump tank cabinet (Set up by aquarium artist)

-Lightings : 4 sets of 1.5ft mini aqua lumen LED lights (7 high power led 15W)

-Chiller: 1/4HP artica chiller with a standby of HC-100A

-Skimmer : Bubble Magnus 3 (cone)

-Phosphate Reactor

-NP Bio-pellet D&D onceanic hang-on reactor

-Wavemaker : MP10

-Temperature mointor : American Wireless pinpoint thermometer

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

besides market prawn, any other effective way for cycling?

no cooking at home so how to get that little bit of prawn meat? :P ... a bit wasteful if buy a few

during cycling cannot put in liverock?

I was thinking of adding the liverock after CaribSea fuji pink settle then let cycling starts

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  • SRC Supporter

besides market prawn, any other effective way for cycling?

no cooking at home so how to get that little bit of prawn meat? :P ... a bit wasteful if buy a few

during cycling cannot put in liverock?

I was thinking of adding the liverock after CaribSea fuji pink settle then let cycling starts

You should setup all your Biological filtration system during your tank cycling. That includes your filtration media like Bio ring and live rock , so that the beneficial bacterial can be build up and host on it. You can also use various bacterial solution to help kick start or to speed the process, however many of the bacterial solution found in the market can be skim/remove by your skimmer, so you need to switch off your skimmer for at least 3 - 4 hour when you are using it.

Or you can also try using the new TLF Bactiv8 NPX bacterial which is safe on skimmer.

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  • SRC Member

Tks,admin.really appreicate on ur comments.iI am using bio-home now.Also bought brightwell (bio-bacterial).is it sufficent?

-Main Display Tank : 2ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft c/w sump tank cabinet (Set up by aquarium artist)

-Lightings : 4 sets of 1.5ft mini aqua lumen LED lights (7 high power led 15W)

-Chiller: 1/4HP artica chiller with a standby of HC-100A

-Skimmer : Bubble Magnus 3 (cone)

-Phosphate Reactor

-NP Bio-pellet D&D onceanic hang-on reactor

-Wavemaker : MP10

-Temperature mointor : American Wireless pinpoint thermometer

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will be trying Brightwell microbacter7 instead

will see if dosing of such supplement on regualr basis will really clean the water better

Did you have a chiller installed during the cycling process? IMO if you have it then the good hitchhikers on your Live Rock will thrive otherwise most of them might not make it....


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  • SRC Member

Oh,I see.if the good hitchikers will survive and thrive,then how about the bad hitchikers?will they survive too?

-Main Display Tank : 2ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft c/w sump tank cabinet (Set up by aquarium artist)

-Lightings : 4 sets of 1.5ft mini aqua lumen LED lights (7 high power led 15W)

-Chiller: 1/4HP artica chiller with a standby of HC-100A

-Skimmer : Bubble Magnus 3 (cone)

-Phosphate Reactor

-NP Bio-pellet D&D onceanic hang-on reactor

-Wavemaker : MP10

-Temperature mointor : American Wireless pinpoint thermometer

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  • SRC Member

So fast,add live stock?

-Main Display Tank : 2ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft c/w sump tank cabinet (Set up by aquarium artist)

-Lightings : 4 sets of 1.5ft mini aqua lumen LED lights (7 high power led 15W)

-Chiller: 1/4HP artica chiller with a standby of HC-100A

-Skimmer : Bubble Magnus 3 (cone)

-Phosphate Reactor

-NP Bio-pellet D&D onceanic hang-on reactor

-Wavemaker : MP10

-Temperature mointor : American Wireless pinpoint thermometer

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  • SRC Member

Oh,I see. Prawn of size (5 cts coin) should be more than sufficent to kick off the cycling.maintain 2 to 3ppm of ammonia,and the bacteria will do the rest of their job to convert to no2 and subsequent no3.

-Main Display Tank : 2ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft c/w sump tank cabinet (Set up by aquarium artist)

-Lightings : 4 sets of 1.5ft mini aqua lumen LED lights (7 high power led 15W)

-Chiller: 1/4HP artica chiller with a standby of HC-100A

-Skimmer : Bubble Magnus 3 (cone)

-Phosphate Reactor

-NP Bio-pellet D&D onceanic hang-on reactor

-Wavemaker : MP10

-Temperature mointor : American Wireless pinpoint thermometer

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  • SRC Member

Hi,fining,what do u mean by "Still the prawn meat"?hehehe... <_<

-Main Display Tank : 2ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft c/w sump tank cabinet (Set up by aquarium artist)

-Lightings : 4 sets of 1.5ft mini aqua lumen LED lights (7 high power led 15W)

-Chiller: 1/4HP artica chiller with a standby of HC-100A

-Skimmer : Bubble Magnus 3 (cone)

-Phosphate Reactor

-NP Bio-pellet D&D onceanic hang-on reactor

-Wavemaker : MP10

-Temperature mointor : American Wireless pinpoint thermometer

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  • SRC Member

Bro,wat is "bio magnet"?

-Main Display Tank : 2ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft c/w sump tank cabinet (Set up by aquarium artist)

-Lightings : 4 sets of 1.5ft mini aqua lumen LED lights (7 high power led 15W)

-Chiller: 1/4HP artica chiller with a standby of HC-100A

-Skimmer : Bubble Magnus 3 (cone)

-Phosphate Reactor

-NP Bio-pellet D&D onceanic hang-on reactor

-Wavemaker : MP10

-Temperature mointor : American Wireless pinpoint thermometer

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