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Chaeto breaking apart


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My chaeto seems to be breaking into pieces. I placed it in the main tank as my refugum is not ready. Pieces starts to fall apart. From a big tennis ball, its now more like a ping pong ball.

I foolishly rinsed with tap water when i first got it 1 week ago... I suppose that might have killed it?

Or is my main tank water current too strong for the chaeto, causing it to break apart?

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Yes I am using chiller.

When I tried to grab the chaeto after 2 days of introducing it to the tank, it broke into pieces and u can imagine the mess in my tank now... the floss filter choked every few hours.

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  • SRC Member

I had the same problem previously. I rescued it with stronger water flow. The surviving baby fist size has since grown back to about 10x its original. BTW, I'm using a fan in place of a chiller, & temp is kept between 27.8 - 28.5.

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  • 3 months later...
  • SRC Member

Surprisingly, I've kept chaeto successfully in a 1 liter plastic aquarium before. no chiller, no filter, no wavemaker, no nothing. Just the chaeto and weekly change of water from my main tank.

It thrived and multiplied until it filled up the whole container. When I moved it into my main tank, it died. Nature is beyond human comprehension.


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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  • SRC Member

my own experience is to follow the day-night cycle.


Those who have successfully kept chaeto, may I know how long do you ON your light?

follow the sun or reverse?



"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

likely the key to its survival is to have sufficient duration of light

i leave my remaining few strand of chaeto in a container and placed near the window

no water movement, just sunlight and occasional addition of tank "used" water

somehow they survive and probably grow a little though a little pale

but at least did not turn colorless and rot

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  • SRC Member

looks like my $6.90 5W Philis bulb may be ok

chaeto is holding well ....

maybe should increase to 8W ;)

Using cool white or warm white?

Tank size:36"x36"x24"

Return pump" 2x Reef Octo 5000

Skimmer:BK Double Cone 200 on Reef Octopus DC 5500s.

Wavemaker:2xVortech MP40wES

Chemical filtration:1xeducator FR(biopellets)

Chiller:1hp Daikin compressor.

Lighting:2 x Kessil A360we

Auto topup system: JBJ ATO + new jet 1200

Dosing system: Kamoer 3 channel.

Additives: ESV 2 part.

Power consumption

2XReef Octo 5000: 120watts

BK skimmer:50watts

2xVortech wavemaker:70watts

Daikin compressor:775watts


Ato system:21watts

Exhaust fans:16watts

Refugium light:27watts

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  • SRC Member

cool white

after change to shinning from top .... saw 1 break-off 1cm :cry:

keep fingers cross

just changed to 8W

I just got a fist size clump and put into sump on last fri. Was using a 3W cool white power pac bulb. Yesterday, see some of the chaeto "disintegrating"....

Went to buy a philips 5w warm white bulb yesterday and installed. Monitoring the outcome.

Been reading about chaeto issue all over the internet. Most said if running FR(phos & nitrate removal) then success rate with chaeto is lower.

1)Suggested adding iron additive. But too much iron is poisonous.

2)Have another water line feed direct from main tank to the refugium, normally pple put skimmer at the start part of the sump and most pple use higher rated skimmer for their tank and it skims out the food for plants.

I've seen pics of pple putting the refugium in the initial part of the sump. Maybe tat's the reason too.

Tank size:36"x36"x24"

Return pump" 2x Reef Octo 5000

Skimmer:BK Double Cone 200 on Reef Octopus DC 5500s.

Wavemaker:2xVortech MP40wES

Chemical filtration:1xeducator FR(biopellets)

Chiller:1hp Daikin compressor.

Lighting:2 x Kessil A360we

Auto topup system: JBJ ATO + new jet 1200

Dosing system: Kamoer 3 channel.

Additives: ESV 2 part.

Power consumption

2XReef Octo 5000: 120watts

BK skimmer:50watts

2xVortech wavemaker:70watts

Daikin compressor:775watts


Ato system:21watts

Exhaust fans:16watts

Refugium light:27watts

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  • SRC Member

I just got a fist size clump and put into sump on last fri. Was using a 3W cool white power pac bulb. Yesterday, see some of the chaeto "disintegrating"....

Went to buy a philips 5w warm white bulb yesterday and installed. Monitoring the outcome.

Been reading about chaeto issue all over the internet. Most said if running FR(phos & nitrate removal) then success rate with chaeto is lower.

1)Suggested adding iron additive. But too much iron is poisonous.

2)Have another water line feed direct from main tank to the refugium, normally pple put skimmer at the start part of the sump and most pple use higher rated skimmer for their tank and it skims out the food for plants.

I've seen pics of pple putting the refugium in the initial part of the sump. Maybe tat's the reason too.

is unlikely to forgo phos removal for the sake of chaeto ... cos removal helps to remove silicate as well

not using nitrate removal yet

so far the chaeto still holding ..no pale-ing or rotting or breaking up ... just that growth seems slow..or perhaps too kangcheong

now just let it be and see how it goes

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