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HELP WANTED!!! PROJECT: Directory Shop in SG


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Contributors are needed to help consolidate a list of reef, saltwater/(even freshwater) fish, aquarium equipment and even aquaria related shops here in Singapore.

We may have a section here this forum for this but I felt that it would nice to have this in a single list. Pls note, that I am NOT an admin of this site or an official of SRC. I just feel this list will be a great help for everyone.

This thread is to collect such information and will be compiled in a simple single list as we progress.

Here is a contributor's guide for collecting relevant infos...

1. Name of Shop: (example... "The Best Pet Shop Evah!")

- If its in Chinese/Tamil/Klingon characters, pls provide an english equivalent of its pronounciation.

- Avoid abbreviations for this. (I know you Singaporeans just love your abbreviations but it's confusing for those who don't know the meaning). Abbreviations can be in the 'Nick Name' details instead.

2. Nick Name(or pet or short name) (example.. TBEvah!)

- It's the abbreviation or short or code name for this shop. Contributors can give one for they details they are giving, but pls keep them as relevant as possible.

3. Address (example... CHANGI PRISON, 11 Jalan Awan 499420)

- As complete address as possible.

4. Category Tag/s: (example... FRESHWATER, MARINE, FISH, T5)

- These tags may expand as we progress. But pls reuse the tags once created.

- The tags are as follows.




REEF or CORAL(we can use LFS, SPS, etc for this)



5. Description: (example... "They sell also other pet products and bubble gums.")

- If tags are not enough to explain the shop, you can supply description for it.

- Pls highlight the shops forte or somewhat their major product

- Pls keep it simple.

- Pls note, this is not to be an opinionated detail that would bring down or build up the shop.

6. Contact Details (example... "www.billgatesgivesawaymoney.com.sg")

- website, phone numbers, facebook page if the uncles/aunties can boleh, boleh!

7. (optional) Pictures (example... :friends: )

Thank you in advance. Happy hunting (reefing). Cheers!

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