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Custom 6 foot Reef tank


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your photoperiod is which is for white, blue and both? 1130-1830 no lights?

0715 4 x blue on

0730 2 x white & 2 x purple on

1130 2 x white & 2 x purple off

1145 4 x blue off

1815 4 x blue on

1830 2 x white & 2 x purple on

2230 2 x white & 2 x purple off

2245 4 x blue off

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Hi Guys

The hall is air-conditioned so will a Hailea 1/2 HP be enough or should I go for a 1 HP? On the lights yes will have to go for the newer model max. Skimmer im looking at the Skimz SK 252. Yup looking at a "coast to coast" overflow box - looks nice.


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In so far as costs are concerned a 6 footer with good stuff to go with it should not exceed 10k. That too with crystal panels. German Schmermam i say. Its all made in China Anyways!


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long term go for a drop in coil... I'm running a 4 feet and in this heat a 1hp compressor is a god send seriously. 1/3 HP for a 6 footer is definitely not enough. The cost of a brand new 1/3 HP arctica is almost equivalent to the cost of a drop in coil 1HP mitubishi starmex.. so go for the coil!

and yes my overflow box is external so my entire 4 feet is for livestock. :) good luck for your new tank.

Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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Hi Guys

"ATLANTIS" been commissioned! No more words - its all pictures henceforth after 4 weeks probably!! Details as follows:-

Tank:- 6ft x 2.5ft x 27 inches front and 1 side panel low iron glass 12mm

Chiller:- 1HP (not going for the drop in as the hall has AC)

Lights:- 2 LED Panels + 4 LED Strips

Pumps:- 2 x 4500 l/h

Skimmer:- 1920 l/h

Calcium Reactor - will install later

Fluidizer - will install later

FINALLY! :yahoo: :yahoo:


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Based on the chiller on and rest time , assuming the lights on for 10 hrs... The chiller kick in quite often doesn't it? Why don't cut off 26 activate again at 27.5... Then perhaps longer rest period? Anyway I agree with 6ft, compressor is the way to go.

I think your chiller may not be powerful enough to chill your tank, unless you are runing most of the tank externally. For such a tank size similar to mine, compressor chiller is the one to go thumbsup.gif

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I think your chiller may not be powerful enough to chill your tank, unless you are runing most of the tank externally. For such a tank size similar to mine, compressor chiller is the one to go thumbsup.gif

IMO if the central air conditioning is preset to 26 degrees through out the day the chiller wont have to kick in so often.


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  • 1 month later...

Okay guys - here it is as promised.

Tank done by Aquarium Artist (Vincent) - 6 feet x 2.5 feet x 27 inches - Front and Side panels low iron glass. All panels 12 mm

Skimmer: Skimz 251

Return Pumps: 2 x Aquamedic Eco Runner 6000

Chiller: Hailea 1 HP

Lights: 2 x 2 feet LED Panels Lumens Aqua RGB

(will sort out the other equipment later - sump 5 feet - not delivered yet)

Pics Attached!!








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Your discus are really quite something!

I may not know much about them, but can tell they are pretty high grade judging from their coloration!


Hope your new tank will be filled with reef gems as well (slowly).

Enjoy reefing and do keep the pictures coming...

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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yeah I have to agree with wilson.. the discus really is VERY nice.. I especially like the blue discus ... but then I always like the color blue.. heh.

Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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Hi Guys

In anticipation of "Atlantis" I thought it would be a good idea to share with you guys the 3 tanks that I have now.....Enjoy!

Wow.. So this is the fourth tank you having? Awesome

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys

This is the next set of pics! 40kg of live rock went in on Wednesday. Another 25kg went in yesterday. 55kg left to be added. Aragonite (live & dead mixed) was added after the first 40kg of live rock went in. The SG is now just slightly above 1.020. Water should clear up within 2 weeks after which a 50% water change will be done. Will wait two days then start adding corals first.








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