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Custom 6 foot Reef tank


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wow you must be living in landed to have such a space

congrats :D

No La. Im staying in an apartment buts its a ground floor corner unit and we haven't really cluttered the place up so i guess this will be a good divider between the TV area and the dining area.....small place lah.


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For sure! My only concern is what do i do when i need to move, IF i need to....i think im going to HECK it and just go for it lah! What the HECK....we have to go for what we want....


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For sure! My only concern is what do i do when i need to move, IF i need to....i think im going to HECK it and just go for it lah! What the HECK....we have to go for what we want....

Are you moving house this year?

Anyway, just call tank movers like IWarna or SGBros to help, for a fee of course.

No worries :eyebrow:

(-_-) Happy will do ... (o_o)

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  • 2 weeks later...


For all those of you who are crazy enough to follow this thread!!, the situation is now like this:-

IF i actually get this done (its 50/50 and the reason being its insanely expensive & daunting) it will have to be 6 x 2.5 x 2 for 2 reasons:-

a. Anything bigger and my costs will almost double. With this size, glass thickness can stay at 12mm.

b. I dont have to have stretchable rubber arms to get to most places!

Its now down to 224 US Gallons or 850 litres with a 376 litre Sump (5x2x1.33) - still a heck of a lot of salt water! 1226 litres (surely about two tons after adding sand live rock and factoring in the weight of the tank)

The equipment i'm thinking about is as follows:-

Skimmer: Aquamedic Blue 3000

Chilling: 1 HP or 1/2 Drop in Coil Chilling system with external compressor (Would be great if you guys could recommend someone to me for this) OR installing a Central AC in my hall which will blow 24/7

Return Pumps: 2 x Eheim 1264 (4500 litres per hour x 2)

Calcium Reactor (any recommendations)

Lights: Anything below a grand (going for 6500 / 6000 ks)

Wavebox: Anything good

Thats about it i guess - SO SIMPLE (Like hell it is!!!)

P.S. A friend of mine advised me not to have three holes cut into the base panel of the tank but just to have one. The 2 return flow pipes to be run from the side (concealed) into the top of the tank. ANY VIEWS on this?



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Maybe you would like to consider using a stronger return pump. A higher turnover, will be better especially if you want to keep SPS in future. You can consider Ocean runner 8500 ( 8500 / litres per hr ) or other stronger flow pump.

For cal reactor, a good one would definitely from Deltec, but you can also consider using dosing as well for ease of maintenance.

Hope to see your tank thread and photo here soon groupwavereversed.gif

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Hi Guys

Oprime to Yellow Tang: Good one! Wouldn't it be amazing if we could shrink ourselves, don some mini gear and go diving in the comfort of our own home instead of burning 5k to go to Lombok or Menado eta. Ermm yeah i've definitely lost it boy!! Ha ha...this forum has helped a heck of a lot. Meeting friends here gives you lots of ideas. Thank you all!!

to Wilsotantw: Hi Wilson. i guess it seems like a good choice as its german as well and its cheaper then the others. Something like 700 bucks a unit. What do you reckon?

to Harle: Hi Harle. Primarily i chose to go with the 1264s cos of the price. A friend actually asked me to go for 2 x 10,000 litres per hour pumps. 2 Red dragons i guess but thats EX boy. OR8500 sounds good. Your suggestion is spot on. Will browse online later to see how much these cost. Perhaps I should just go for dosing. Save some moolah!! I hope i can post pics soon. Still have not decided who to commission on the build. I reckon its going to take at least 4 to 6 weeks before "Atlantis" comes :pirate:

Have a wonderful weekend guys.




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Hi G. OPrime.

I'm not too familiar with aquamedic products and can't get much information about this skimmer online. Seems. Like quite a dated model?

While this may cost somewhat cheaper, I would suggest for a trial and tested brand/model.

Since u r already spending so much, what's that couple of hundreds more for a "sure-work" brand?

Btw: Have you seen the skimmer in operation here so far? That could help you decide.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Hi Bro

The agent for this brand is in Joo Chiat, aquamart.

I saw it in action in their sump. Couldn't really tell how good it was. Its called the Aqua medic Blue 3000. This is a write up on it by someone who owned it.


doesn't seem so great after all!! What would you recommend for my 827 litre tank with 300+ litre sump?


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watever brand of skimmer u r getting, you will have to choose one that is meant for 2xs the volume of water u r having...in this case, u will require a skimmer for 448G of water.

n i think S$1k budget for lightings may not be sufficient....if u intend to use MH, u will need 4 large pendents, at least + 4 tubes of T5s.

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watever brand of skimmer u r getting, you will have to choose one that is meant for 2xs the volume of water u r having...in this case, u will require a skimmer for 448G of water.

n i think S$1k budget for lightings may not be sufficient....if u intend to use MH, u will need 4 large pendents, at least + 4 tubes of T5s.

Hi Ah Siang

Yes you are right. Got another quote today - all in around 20k. LED Pendents total 4k.

Maybe i should just use the 20k for a BMW downpayment instead!!! :wacko:


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Hi Ah Siang

Yes you are right. Got another quote today - all in around 20k. LED Pendents total 4k.

Maybe i should just use the 20k for a BMW downpayment instead!!! :wacko:

it's quite normal for 6footer...if u use german made tank...perhaps, can downpay bentley.

why dun just go for 4ft? not so heavy on the wallet...hur hur

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it's quite normal for 6footer...if u use german made tank...perhaps, can downpay bentley.

why dun just go for 4ft? not so heavy on the wallet...hur hur

Fabulous.....4 footer? Walau Eh....tank doomed from the start- "4"!!! :shock:


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LOL lots of 4 footers out there... going by that logic ... we're all screwed .. and actually it's quite true... my wallet has many a hole because of this hobby and mine is a 4 footer. heh

Cheers, ;)


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LOL lots of 4 footers out there... going by that logic ... we're all screwed .. and actually it's quite true... my wallet has many a hole because of this hobby and mine is a 4 footer. heh

LOL....hi Desideria

Does your tank have it's overflow box mounted on the side or it is a full length box? Im thinking of doing it all alone the side so it looks neater. What do you reckon?


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Final Final Specs:-

Tank 6 x 2.5 x 2.5 feet

Sump 5 feet x 2 feet x 16 inches

Pump 1 : Abyzz 200

Pump 2: Eheim 1264

Chiller: Artica 1/3 hp

Skimmer: Deltec SC 2560 Internal

Lights Maxspect G2 170w x 2 panels 900mm LED

Whaddaya guys reckon?


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Final Final Specs:-

Tank 6 x 2.5 x 2.5 feet

Sump 5 feet x 2 feet x 16 inches

Pump 1 : Abyzz 200

Pump 2: Eheim 1264

Chiller: Artica 1/3 hp

Skimmer: Deltec SC 2560 Internal

Lights Maxspect G2 170w x 2 panels 900mm LED

Whaddaya guys reckon?

WOWWW!!! power set up ....can't wait to see more update....... :)

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Hi Oprime,

  • Is 1/3 hp enough power?
  • Why not get the latest Maxspect?
  • Btw, EOS at the side or back is good choice in my opinion; full internal tank space for livestock!


Final Final Specs:-

Tank 6 x 2.5 x 2.5 feet

Sump 5 feet x 2 feet x 16 inches

Pump 1 : Abyzz 200

Pump 2: Eheim 1264

Chiller: Artica 1/3 hp

Skimmer: Deltec SC 2560 Internal

Lights Maxspect G2 170w x 2 panels 900mm LED

Whaddaya guys reckon?

(-_-) Happy will do ... (o_o)

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im using arctica 1/3hp for my 4 footer

my total water volume is app 450l

lights on(8 x 54w), it takes app 75mins to cool 27.3 degree to 26.7 degree

resting time is also app 75mins

lights off, it takes app 60mins to cool 27.3 degree to 26.7 degree

resting time is app 120mins

based on these info, you might want to consider compressor instead

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LOL....hi Desideria

Does your tank have it's overflow box mounted on the side or it is a full length box? Im thinking of doing it all alone the side so it looks neater. What do you reckon?

You referring to the overflow such as the "coast to-coast" system? From front it seems flushed along the back wall?

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Based on the chiller on and rest time , assuming the lights on for 10 hrs... The chiller kick in quite often doesn't it? Why don't cut off 26 activate again at 27.5... Then perhaps longer rest period? Anyway I agree with 6ft, compressor is the way to go.

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