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Decomm Phase 1

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  • SRC Member

hi all,

it is with tremendous sadness that i start this thread. For the past one year, reefing has been a source of joy and satisfaction in my life, but a shift in priorities as well as personal reasons often entails a man to make hard decisions and sometimes, painful sacrifices.

I was sleepless last night pondering away but finally decided to throw in the towel, for now.

I would like to thank a lot of people for my reefing journey, met many nice bros who taught me a lot as well as some black sheeps who seek to taint the community. Made many friends whom i hope will be for life....

This is my phase 1 sales thread for corals and fishes. Pardon me as i have no time to take pics now, but i can assure you corals are in tip top shape otherwise feel free to reject. Viewing is with no obligations.


Purple Firefish Pair $30

Tiger pistol and yellow watchman goby $30

Tailspot blenny $15

Yellow wrasse $5

Sexy shrimp adult %8

CUC consisting of various astrea and turbo snails and a brittle star $10


~15kg of coraline encrusted liverocks (bros who seen my tank can attest) $50


Digi lime green frag $10

Digi pink $10

Digi baby blue and german blue (turning brown due to high nutrients thus selling cheap) $10 for both

Mille Rose $20

Mille lime green $10

Mille Sunset $20

Mille Green Colony $35

Mille Green Frag $10

Mille bubble gum $15

Radioactive Pocci frag $15

Birdnest radioactive $10

BN Yellow Turquoise $10

BN Bicolor $10

BN Fiji pink pointed tips $10

Monti cap orange $10

Monti cap green $10

Monti cap chilli pepper $10

Monti cap blue galaxy $30

Monti cap brownish purple (my light cannot bring out the color) $15

Monti cap yellow with purple polyps $30

Green Acro $10

Bali Green slimer $10

Purple Valida (color fading due to nutrients) $10


Pipe organ, big colony $25

Lumi Green Plate $20

Lumi Orange plate $20

Green red eyed favia frag $15


Green stardust colony $15

Red people eater colony $15

Red PE frag $8 ea

Green skirt with purple body zoa colony $15

African Blue hornets colony $60

Blue hornets frag $25

Assorted other frags @ only $5 each! come see for yourself


Supersun 7 heads + normal sun 9 heads + black sun 4 heads $60 for all

Collection/viewing is at bedok reservoir rd. Pls be patient with me as i am hoping to clear corals first then remove liferocks to catch the fishes. If u really want a pic, sms me, i will email u if i can.

Stay tuned for my phase 2 which will consist of equipments and everything else.

I believe there is something out there watching us. Unfortunately, it's the government. - Woody Allen

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  • SRC Member

omg why bro!!!! your stuff still with me!!! :( lose another great bro, hope you come back when things are stable..

no worries la bro, next time when i start afresh heehee...many things happened and gotta change priorities now...very reluctant to let everything go really...

I believe there is something out there watching us. Unfortunately, it's the government. - Woody Allen

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  • SRC Member

Good luck for your sales bro. Hope you come back soon.

With a bigger tank next time.

i will sure come back with a bigger tank! thanks for dropping by bro...

I believe there is something out there watching us. Unfortunately, it's the government. - Woody Allen

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  • SRC Member

Fishes sold

CUC consisting of various astrea and turbo snails and a brittle star $10


Digi lime green frag $10

Digi pink $10

Digi baby blue and german blue (turning brown due to high nutrients thus selling cheap) $10 for both

Mille Rose $20

Mille lime green $10

Mille Green Colony $35

Mille bubble gum $15

Monti cap orange $10

Monti cap green $10

Monti cap chilli pepper big $20

Monti cap brownish purple (my light cannot bring out the color) $15

Bali Green slimer $10

Purple Valida (color fading due to nutrients) $10


Red people eater colony $15

Red PE frag $8 ea

Green skirt with purple body zoa colony $15

Blue hornets frag $25

Assorted other frags @ only $5 each! come see for yourself

Collection/viewing is at bedok reservoir rd. Pls be patient with me as i am hoping to clear corals first then remove liferocks to catch the fishes. If u really want a pic, sms me, i will email u if i can.

I believe there is something out there watching us. Unfortunately, it's the government. - Woody Allen

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  • SRC Member

last few frags to go due to aeroplanes... I WILL NOT RESERVE ANYTHING FOR ANYONE EVER AGAIN. THANKS MR PILOT, i really feel like putting your numbers here for all to see a'hole...

rose mille frag 10

brown monti cap 10

reddish monti cap 10

chilli pepper monti cap 10

I believe there is something out there watching us. Unfortunately, it's the government. - Woody Allen

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