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DIY compact algae scrubber...


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  • SRC Member

I recently started researching algae scrubbers coz I was having trouble with algae bloom despite 0 NO3 ans PO4, and was hoping to find ideas for an outsump, compact and clean algae scrubbers that wouldn't look an eyesore around my room and setup. Came across Santa Monica's scrubber which fit my bill perfectly, except that it cost more than SGD 1k including shipping costs!

So I had a little discussion with my favorite DIY man, DE Lightings, and turns out he can fashion something very similar with his own lighting fixtures, for a fraction of the cost...

It should be ready soon, and if anyone is interested, I'll post up pictures of the scrubber, and progress of algal growth in the scrubber and in my tank, once I start it going :)

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  • SRC Member

I recently started researching algae scrubbers coz I was having trouble with algae bloom despite 0 NO3 ans PO4, and was hoping to find ideas for an outsump, compact and clean algae scrubbers that wouldn't look an eyesore around my room and setup. Came across Santa Monica's scrubber which fit my bill perfectly, except that it cost more than SGD 1k including shipping costs!

So I had a little discussion with my favorite DIY man, DE Lightings, and turns out he can fashion something very similar with his own lighting fixtures, for a fraction of the cost...

It should be ready soon, and if anyone is interested, I'll post up pictures of the scrubber, and progress of algal growth in the scrubber and in my tank, once I start it going :)

Please do share! :thumbsup:

Comments are welcome!
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  • SRC Member

I don't want to post the link, but you can google for Santa monica's algae scrubber and the plans are there on the forum as well.

I haven't got a confirmed price yet, but one thing's for sure, it'll be less than half of the a/m scrubber after shipping costs. And DE Lightings says if at least 4 units are made, prices will drop even more.

Anyway, the scrubber will be rather similar, but based on DE's light fixtures. Will post up when I get the unit sometime this week I think. At present, however, the oxypora in my display tank is acting as the algae scrubber :))

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Below is another idea for in Sump ATS design? Can be hang beside Sump/Refugium wall also allow flexible angle and length adjustable.. small feeder pump will do... You can use the light in Sump shine on the tray.. And very affordable design.. Cheers..



LFS Map in singapore
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. >((((º>
Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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SantaMonica recently talked about "3D scrubbing" whereby the screen & algae gets submerged under water. He said, "This is much more powerful than 2D scrubbing, where the algae is flat against the screen."

Following this theory, I've been thinking about dipping a piece a piece of screen in my sump with a light shining thru' sump tank glass. It seems much easier to implement than constructing a dedicated ATS. Do you guys think this'll work?

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hi is your scrubber base on the size of SM100??


for lightings, u are using 4x 2ft t5 am i correct?

sorry for the many question as i am interested in getting it too.

if so i am also thinking of requesting DE lightings to construct 1 for me.

you mention making 4 would have a drop in price tag.

any reefer out there also interested in getting one of these too?


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...Why do you say that the outlet is too small?

Hi bro MbmC,

I saw SantaMonica's scrubber & actually asked him about his design of having 2 outlets(1 positioned lower, & the 2nd one higher on the enclosure). Seems like the thick algae growth would easily block the lower outlet. As the water level rise in the scrubber chamber, the higher outlet comes into play to provide the additional drainage to avoid an overflow. If a bigger outlet is not possible for your design, you can consider having a 2nd outlet. It's an insurance against lighting short circuit.

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Bros... why dun u guys start this topic in Bulk Order section. U might get better response since the price for the DE Lighting scrubber cost a fraction of it.

My Simple Tank Spec

Main Tank LPS and Softies 4x2x2.5ft

Sump Tank 2.5x1.5x1.5ft with lots of LR

Remote Sump Tank 2x1x1ft dsb refugium with chaeto, mangroves and Gracilaria curtissae macroalgae

DIY LED with 6x 3W Blue and 6x 3W White main tank light

DIY LED with 1x 3W Blue and 1x 3W Red refugium light

DIY LED 1x 1W Blue moonlighting

Now convert to skimmerless Tank

1 x Rio 14HF Return Pump

1 x SunSun JVP-102 wavemaker

1 x 2x1 vertical Algae Turf Scrubber with 2x 10W LED Warm White

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I have recently rebuilt my sump and incorporated this ATS in my sump. It works like a charm and take up very little space. In fact you only need a one inch chamber for this to work perfectly. For those that would like to combine ATS with skimmers, this might be a good option.

In Sump ATS Link

*scroll down almost three quarter of the page and you will see 2 pictures with a blue pipe in the middle. That is the ATS i am talking about. The blue pipe is actually for a pump to push water back to the column to achieve the desirable water flow over the ATS.

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1)no bulky setups

2)easy maintenance

3)no splash or choking incidences

4)no expensive lights to replace regularly, I use PAr 38 and it works beautifully. Holder from Madpetz. The very adjustable kind.

5)cost of implementation is cheap. All equipment usable even if i decide not to run an ATS in future. All i sacrifice is one inch width from my sump.


1)may be insufficient for larger tanks as a sole source of filtration and you need pristine water condition for your livestock. This is due to the sump height and width restriction. As this is a one sided screen, you have to work the maths and see if your sump has the height and width to build a ATS according to the minimum requirement. SM has the calculations and you should make close reference to it. If you have a deep and tall cabinet, then it will not be an issue.

This is the only Con i can think off.

My experience:

When building my ATS, i started with a wide ATS instead of tall one. This will work too but it is not energy efficient. For the same water velocity to run over a wider screen, i need a more powerful pump . This will result in more heat and electricity. So i brought my sump back to the tank maker and have him construct a taller and narrower ATS. Now i can buy a pump that is 2 models down. The price difference is$100 for the pump and not to mention the electricity to be saved. so guys, do learn from my mistake when you are working out the effective area for your in built ATS.


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Forgot to mention that i used plastic cloth pegs to hold the screen in place when i could not find anything else. Now i use the clear plastic pegs that you will find when you unpack shirts bought from G2000. They have this u-shape pegs. Clear plastic and slim version. Nice stuff. :groupwavereversed:

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  • SRC Member

That point about the 2 outlets is a good point. Will check with DE and see if it's possible.

about posting this in the group buy, this wasn't meant for commercial purposes :) mainly to share an idea and to see if anyone else might be interested. I'm sure Santa Monica has accumulated a wealth of experience and knowledge from his algae scrubber.

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