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Santa Monica SM100 algae scrubber


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saw your post. Interestingly, i was researching on how i can incorporate a ATS into my nano system. Found this idea of doing it just by a simple change of sump design. A little hard to describe it but i have added the link that inspired me. You can see the picture somewhere in the middle of the web page.

Pros of this design is no extra pump needed and definitely the most space saving version of ATS.

I remember you have a ELOS nano. Have you upgraded? Cos the SM120 seems a little too large for a nano.

I am going kelantan lane glass maker to build a new sump for this ATS project.

I can Watsapp you the pic of my sump design(ATS incorporated) if you want a better idea of how it works.

Just pm me for my contact.




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Still running my ELOS nano. It's never too large, excess nutrient export good

the SM100 can be ordered online but it costs USD649! www.santa-monica.cc I believe.

I like it coz it's compact and sealed up...

Bro skinbone. Can whatsapp me at 91002020

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