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My upgraded 5ft tank


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Wld like to share a few pics of my tank, comments are welcome :)

Tank Specification 5x2x2.5ft


1x Teco Chiller - RA 680

1x Eheim 1250

1x Eheim 1260

1x Tunze 6060

1x Weipro 2014 (waiting to upgrade)

1x Sicce Extrema

2x MH (2x150,20K , 3xActinic)

External Overflow Box

sump 3x1.25x1.25

80kgs LR - Fiji/ Tonga/ Normal

DSB = 6 inches

Water Conditions


PH = 8.4

Salinity = 1.023

NH4 = 0ppm

NO2 = 0ppm

NO3 = 15ppm

Calcium = never measure



1x Yellow Tang

1x Naso Tang

1x Purple Tang

1x PB Tang

1x Hippo Tang

1x Scobas Tang

1x Sailfin Tang

1x Black Tang (in sump)

1x Six line Wrasse

1x Cleaner Wrasse

2 x Purple Goby

1x Mandarin Goby

2x Maroon Clown

1 x Puffer

1x Cowfish

1x Flame Angel

1x Coral Beauty


2x Cleaner Shrimp

2x Fire Shrimp

2x Camel Shrimp

1x Lobster

1x Starfish

5x Turbo Snails

8x Nassiuss Snails


1x Jasmine Fox

17x Elephant Ear in one rock

1x Bubble-Tip

1x Rose anemone

3x Brains

2x Jewel

1x Coco Worms

5x Tube Worms

2x Sea Fans

1x Sponge

3x Star Polyps

1x Sun-Flower

1x Xenia

2x Leather

1x Toadstool

3x Rics

2x Shrooms

1x Star poly

1x Feather Star

1x Frogspawn

1x Bubble

1x Fern


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