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steps when dosing kalkwasser

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  • SRC Member

Like to find out how u guy dose kalkwasser so that the dKH & calcium level are balance ?

If say, before we dose kalkwasser, we test the PH, dKH & the calcium level first.

Results: PH8.3



So when we dose kalkwasser for top-up, how do we make sure that the dKH & ca level are in the acceptable level ?

Do we need to test the dKH & ca level after each dosage of kalkwasser ?

Are we suppose to dose kalkwasser in term of the top-up level or dose as our tank volume ?

Is there any steps when dosing kalkwasser for top-up water level ?

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  • SRC Member

Taken from other forum which is quite beneficial to me. Had learnt so much from this guy, " skeletor "

So i'll post it for those who wanna know more !

The amount of kalk dosed is based on the number/size of calcium consuming animals in your tank, not tank or top-off volume. This is something which differs from tank to tank so you will need to figure out what your tank requirements are.

You want to get to a point where kalk is maintaining Ca/Alk levels, and not changing them. Do a baseline test, then dose for a week and test again... if you are not maintaining levels then up the kalk dosage, if they are climbing then lighten up on the amount of kalk.

Kalk has a very high pH (around 12) so you must take care to add it slowly (dosing pump or drip feed), and not send your tank into

pH shock. This is also a good reason to dose at night, as it will help keep the pH more stable.. Dose into a high flow area, or the intake for your skimmer.

Top-off volume only becomes important when you are unable to get enough Kalk into the system to maintain Ca/Alk levels. When this becomes an issue you may need to look for ways to increase the amount of evap so you can add more.

It will probably take a few weeks to sort out the dosing requirements exactly.

sorry that I can't provied more specific advice, you didn't give us much information about your tank, how much you evap, how much you currently dose, WC schedule, Ca/Alk load etc, etc.

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  • SRC Member

Is the Ca/Alk consumption rate always stays constant?

I doubt so. Coral grow and new additional of coral will require us test and monitor the Ca/Alk consumption rate again and again. So tedious :( I wonder how often you guys test your water parameters?

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  • SRC Member

Both of these additives serves the same purpose but they cost much more than kalk. So we only use them to boost the Cal/Alk to optimum value and use kalk to maintain Ca/Alk.

Unlike kalk, Seachem Reef Calcium and Reef Builder/Carbonate won't affect the PH.

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