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DIY splash cover for electrical sockets/switches

Achilles Tang

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For maximum safety... salt spray, water hose tears, pvc pipe leaks or worse, pumps that come loose can direct water into electrical sockets and switches.

It happened to me once but luckily I used plastic bags to cover my sockets as a temporary measure after once when I was out of town, a powerhead that had tilted, sprayed water out of the tank and my wife couldn't figure out how to restore power for a few hours till my neighbour came to help. LOL!

So for my new setup... here's my DIY spray cover for my electrical switches and sockets... using a Toyogo plastic comic book box that cost only S$7.50.

I drilled the holes for the individual electrical socket boxes into the wall, then drilled the plastic box into the wall, then the electrical boxes into it/through to the wall.

The box comes perfect for 8 electrical socket/switch boxes with enough space for the top two sockets to attach electronic timers.

Take a look.


The cover is easily removed.


Using a micro-jet blowtorch, I heated a penknife and sliced a rectangular slot at the bottom for the wires to go through. Oops, the photo above doesn't show the slot, but you get the idea!


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I think it is a great idea to have a splash cover for our electrical plugs against accidental splashes.

I however have a question. In the unfortunate event if we blow a fuse or something (due to overloading, etc??? not splashes in this case) and sparks are generated, the PSB approved sockets and plugs will not burn but merely melt. The plastic container you are using however likely will. Then we will have a recipe for fire against all good intentions.

That was something my industrial design lecturer taught us about designing "out" all possible routes of failure. In this case, it may just be an accident waiting to happen, very similar to SQ 006 where it was a matter of time before some pilots will turn into the wrong lane due to the poor markings.

Perhaps I may be just paranoid but I think that is why we need the commercial spray cover for electrical plugs.

My 2 cents :huh:

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Oh... i am installing a smoke detector alarm and water sprinkler/halon gas discharge system into the fish room.....NOT!!!! :blink:

Gee... If there is any overloading... the house circuit breaker will trip. If there is any leakage, the ELCB will trip. Hopefully these should stop any sparking from happening.

If there is any melting & burning of power points... I am sure there will be a small fire anyway and everything around it will catch fire. How can you ever stop that?

Unless I put a packet containing foam above the plastic box and it will melt and cover the fire... I don't see any way anyone can stop fires from happening and extinguishing it automatically, splash cover or not.

Anyway, if there is an overloading... it's usually not the plug, it's the appliance itself that catches fire! How do you protect your lighthood from catching fire?

Cedric, are commercial spray covers really fire-proof?

Sorry... I seem to have no real solutions for this, even though I did attend a fire-fighting course while in the Navy.


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hah hah :P

halon and smoke detector? thats funny. :D

I mean seriously, the likelihood of a fire is very unlikely. I've splash water lots of time on my plugs and it always trip my ELCB without fail. (I not suggesting that splashing water is good!) Like I said before, I'm most likely just paranoid so you can always forget my comments. I'm just trying to say that the choice of materials used will defeat the reason for using PSB approved electrical plugs/outlets which are all made of fire retardant materials. Those commercial spray cover with the PSB sticker (quite costly) are most definitely fire retardant too. If you have any damaged PSB approved plugs, you can try to use a lighter on them. It will melt, turn black but most definitely will not catch fire.

In summary, no, I do not have any real solution as well except to use commercial spray covers instead of DIY. Those outdoor electrical boxes are available in Sim Lim Tower as well. Its waterproof and fire retardant as well but definitely cost an arm and leg. If not, IMVHO, I would not use those plastic boxes to DIY. Our ELCB is pretty decent at doing its job.

I hope you will not be offended, just my 2 cents. :)

Comments are welcome!
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No offense taken bro! :D

Must thank you for the tip. Going with your logic... if the plugs won't catch fire... then the spray guard will not catch fire too! Hahahah! So why worry myself to death? :P

My father-in-law who is probably the most paranoid & kiasi man I know and yet the most skilled (he was a certified electrician before) 'ok'ed the whole thing.

He helps run a few multi-million dollar shipyard companies and solves problems for them when no one else can. So I guess if there is anyone I can trust, it is him!

He is the one who designed my metal stand! :lol: A wooden stand would never be safe enough for him!

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For me I installed another 10A circuit breaker and a 30 mA earth leakage breaker prior to all my 13A sockets so that I have 2 layer of protection both against electrocution and fire. I 'm more worried getting electrocuted that the plugs catching fire.

I t would be worthwhile to install a secondary earth leakage breaker especially for your pumps as you always get your hands inside the tank. I would not be likely to be the guy who got killed with his hands in the fish tank :)

That will certainly get you front cover in the Newpaper imagine a pic of a dead reefer hanging from the side of his tank......

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I did once saw a exhibition on energy saving devices

it even had a cert from PSB

the sales person demo how by plugging in the device, the current flow reduced with no apparent effects on the applicances

Achilles, I did saw the power factor equipment selling at carrefour. The salesman showed me a bill of a customer which used to be $140, and after using it, it came down to ard $110 on the average. The equipment doesnt draw any power and all you need to do is to plug it into any socket in your house and its working~!. Its selling at $169. Good investment in the long run.


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its probably a form of power factor correction device as well as provide a smoothing effect on inrush current. It is designed for use with motors or electrical devices with coils thus the savings in electric bills. May be useful for chillers and Iwaki pumps.

A few years ago there was this device they were selling for industrial use mainly for plants having big motors. It was effective but only if the motor reaches beyond certain level of load otherwise no effect.

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Hmmmm.... does this mean I have to buy one for EVERY single appliances in the house?? That's ridiculously expensive!

Or one can regulate every single plug in the house? :blink:

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Hmmmm.... does this mean I have to buy one for EVERY single appliances in the house?? That's ridiculously expensive!

Or one can regulate every single plug in the house? :blink:

According to the salesman, its one for the whole HDB, if you staying in bungalow, maybe two....

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