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It depends on what anemone you buy :)

Some require quite a depth of sandbed to anchor in, some require very strong light, some prefer to anchor their leg into rock crevices, might be good to share with us which anemone you bought :)

That being said, anemone usually move around regardless of where you place them until they find their spot, of course there are exception :)

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  • SRC Member

bro. any ideal i should position below or above LR? mine is RBTA. :ThanxSmiley:

rbta? den it doesnt really matter where u put.. bound to move.. unless u restrict its movements.. :) to add on, my personal experience with NEWLY intro RBTAs is moderate/low lights, moderate/low flow.. usually shy and not adapted to our strong aquarium lights.. will find shade and a CREVICE to anchor its footing, such that its foot is SHADED from the lights (this is v important).

good luck!

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the shaded foot theory i find works more for rbta than other color variation...

sometimes due to the shaded area it wish to hide in, it lose some zooxe/ color, u hv to bear with tht as there is no fixed spot for them

even if they dun move, they will when they hv splitted someday...

be prepare for them for get stuck in wavemakers.. if uncover...

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

ya. but not all some avoid high light like MH.... ;)

almost all the btas are wild caught so we have to slowly acclimatize it to our aquarium overkill lights.. if we blast it in the open straight away without acclimatizing, the nem is pretty sure to keep running, until he finds shade.. what i do whenever i introduce a new nem is to allow it to establish footing while raising my lights maybe 1 ft higher, den slowly lower my lighting closer to the water surface a little everyday.. thats my personal method, hope its helpful.. :)

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  • SRC Member

almost all the btas are wild caught so we have to slowly acclimatize it to our aquarium overkill lights.. if we blast it in the open straight away without acclimatizing, the nem is pretty sure to keep running, until he finds shade.. what i do whenever i introduce a new nem is to allow it to establish footing while raising my lights maybe 1 ft higher, den slowly lower my lighting closer to the water surface a little everyday.. thats my personal method, hope its helpful.. :)


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  • 6 months later...

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