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WTT / WTG blue tang

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Want to give or trade a sick blue tang yesterday. But it has white spots, I do have a spare tank to treat but I don't think it is big enough. ):

So giving it away to someone who knows how to treat it. Please really really take good care of it.

It is new from a LFS I got yesterday, did not shows any sign of white spot yesterday but was seen scratching itself on rocks. This morning the fish is seen with white spots. Fish is still actively swimming, has taken it out from my main tank currently.

Please please take it only if you know how to treat it.

Sms me straight at 91590795, do not pm for super fast response.

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Want to give or trade a sick blue tang yesterday. But it has white spots, I do have a spare tank to treat but I don't think it is big enough. ):

So giving it away to someone who knows how to treat it. Please really really take good care of it.

It is new from a LFS I got yesterday, did not shows any sign of white spot yesterday but was seen scratching itself on rocks. This morning the fish is seen with white spots. Fish is still actively swimming, has taken it out from my main tank currently.

Please please take it only if you know how to treat it.

Sms me straight at 91590795, do not pm for super fast response.

bro, you just start a tank if i am not wrong, you should go for more hardy fish like damsels, clown etc before you add tang as they are prone to ick. Once your tank get more stable, than you can add a blue tang in.

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Ick will really go away itself? O.O

don't stress it and make sure it is feeding and hopefully ick will goes away. I have a BT with ick when i first introduce to my tank, once it started feeding and more stable, ick goes away and i have been keeping it for more than 1 year and never never once i see ick on it.

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  • SRC Member

Ya you have just started your system don't jump into stocking up your tank

And yes ich will go away check your water parameters as well as it might be stressing your fish, patience is a virtue bro!

Stock up real slow!!!!

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I find that having a cleaner shrimp around does help with the ick. Once in a while, I'll see my fish park in front of my cleaner while it performs its cleaning service.

In fact, as I'm typing now, I see my cleaner shrimp cleaning up one of my domino that seems to have some white spots on the body.

My 1.5ft Nano tank

Equipment: Sump with chaeto, hydor nano wavemakers, Maxspect 60W LED, return pump Rio 12HF

Livestock: 2xMaroon Clown, Yellow Watchman Goby, Algae Blenny, six-line wrasse, Fire & Skunk Shrimp, turbo snails, hermit crabs.

Corals: Zoas, Rics, Hammer, Blue & Green Starpolyps.

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Erm the cleaner shrimp doesn't actually take of the parasites on the fish? Maybe understanding the problem will help you get rid of it?:)

Sun tze art of war!! Hahha and go read up on fishes that are most easily getting ich? Such as Tangs are one of the top list?

Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.

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...be careful dude...its white spots...the most diabolical disease after ebola...i had the same thing with my blue tang(with ich), competing with other fishes for food, had ich on and off for a few weeks. Throughout the day, the ich appeared then disappeared...i mean that lets say it has ich in the morning but then no ich in the evening...then doesnt mean the ich is gone...it came back and suddenly one day it stooped competing and the next day it died...that was a sad, sad time....

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  • SRC Member

Agree... the white spots may come back again....

If there are no shrimps or corals.... I would approach hyposalinity...

Since u have a spare tank... its good practice to QT lifestocks before intro to display tank..

Best Regards,



My Ocean Pets:

Emperor Angel, PowderBlue Tang, Regal Angel, Teardrop Butterfly, Singapore Angel and Nemos


(Only when you guard your lips, you guard your soul....)

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