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Pictorial Showcase: The Chalice Corals of Craig Bagby


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Tomorrow, Advanced Aquarist will publish Craig Bagby's 335 gallon reef system as our monthly Feature Aquarium.  This system includes a 247 gallon SPS dominated display and a 50 gallon chalice frag tank.  As a teaser, enjoy these photos of choice pieces from Craig's chalice frag tank.  It's not hard to see why the Chalice trend took off the way it did: they give all other corals (including Blastomussa) a run for their money when it comes to surreal pigmentation.

IMG_6229.jpg The Grinch

IMG_4165.jpg Stardust

IMG_4172.jpg The Rainbow Boobies (earlier photo)

IMG_6200.jpg The Rainbow Boobies today - now a small but impressive multi-eye colony

IMG_6358.jpg WWC Goldeneye Watermelon

IMG_4244.jpg Cupid's Chalice

IMG_6227.jpg Illuminati

IMG_6362.jpg A wild colony displaying a galaxy of colors!

IMG_4183.jpg Another wild-harvested alien-eye chalice

IMG_4252.jpg One more unnamed, wild chalice.

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Cool chalice coral... Can we get it here bro?

GO is your best bet. I have seen him bring in the exotic ones during last years Aquarama. In fact i bought one piece and he loan it from me for display for the show.

But what you see in the above pictures are a combination of lighting and photography skills. Sometimes the same coral may not look much of a catch to the untrained eyes when it is lying in the LFS.

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