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WTB cheap corals / fish that are easy for beginners.

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as stated in title. hope to deal in the west.

i just started cycling a 1.5ft tank for about 2 weeks ago.

time to add in some stuff. as a student cant afford to pay alot for an item.

so if anyone has anything that can be sold to me please contact me at 91590795.

prefer to deal in the west.

this is my first time with a marine tank, so tips would be great (:

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You can look at clown fish and damsel fish which is more hardy for beginer like you. Once you are confidence you can start adding in other fish too.

Do more research on the forum esp on the "new to marine aquaria section" and feel free to ask question there as i am sure bros here will be willing to help out.

Happy Reefing.. thumbsup.gif

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For 1.5 footer, just make sure everything you put in has to be small...in fact the smaller the better. It's a nano tank. I've seen mistakes like...."Wah!this leather coral nice, & that maxima clam super nice". Before you know it, no space liao...full house.

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for small nanos, i just keep frags n small colonies...so u get more variety....easy corals would be zoas,brain,shrooms, leather...later on you can try sps, sps is not that hard provided your conditions are right. For fishes, clowns and damsels...maybe gobies..

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1 x leather (small)

4 x diff types of common zoa (4 to 20 polpys frag)

1 x green paly (3 polpys frag)

1 x green star polyp (small frag)

1 x tree coral (5 small stalk 3cm to 4cm and some babys 1cm on a small flat piece of rock)

1 x goniopora

1 x anthellia (small frag)

i have this above ^ for you to try before you go buying the x corals :chair:

selling all to you for a 1.5L of coke or pepsi(no lemon pls) if you interested :P

collection will be at west coast plaza today if possible

sms me 90095356 jason

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1 x leather (small)

4 x diff types of common zoa (4 to 20 polpys frag)

1 x green paly (3 polpys frag)

1 x green star polyp (small frag)

1 x tree coral (5 small stalk 3cm to 4cm and some babys 1cm on a small flat piece of rock)

1 x goniopora

1 x anthellia (small frag)

i have this above ^ for you to try before you go buying the x corals :chair:

selling all to you for a 1.5L of coke or pepsi(no lemon pls) if you interested :P

collection will be at west coast plaza today if possible

sms me 90095356 jason

thx a lot for the corals bro (:

now to get the cheapest anemone that wont die for the clown.

what is the going rate for anemones?

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mainly would like to keep shrimps inside. like 3 of them. wont keep boxer inside as heard they would fight.

and maybe 1 or 2 clown fishy. but first i need at least 1 or 2 corals for them right?

Don't forget to acclimatise the shrimps properly... As a newbie I did not do it properly, had a few that died on me... Hardy shrimps which are very easy to keep to me are sexy shrimps and peppermint shrimps. Fire and skunk need to be acclimatised for a long time before releasing into tank.

Clowns do not need corals or anemones, buy the false perc, easier to keep. I have a pair, black and white + Orange and white...

BTW I heard for tomato clown better to have it as last fish in a small tank, otherwise it may become very agressive and attack all fishes that come thereafter.

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yup clowns dont need anemones...safest and the easiest method is the drip method...for shrimps, i acclimate for about an hour, sometimes less, but always more than 45min for inverts,an hour to two of acclimation is a good guideline for most marine fishes n inverts.

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yup clowns dont need anemones...safest and the easiest method is the drip method...for shrimps, i acclimate for about an hour, sometimes less, but always more than 45min for inverts,an hour to two of acclimation is a good guideline for most marine fishes n inverts.

ooh okies, not to worry i do know the drip method as i have 3 tanks of freshwater shrimps. (:

it is good to know that anemones aint a must for clown. but it is nice to see the clown rubbing the body on the anemones lol.

i currently have 2 damsel fishy inside now, a blue damsel and a 3 spotted damsel both are living fine so far.

what do they eat btw? i feed them with flakes for freshwater fish. do they take frozen blood worms?

still looking for cheap corals for my tank, hope to deal in the west. still got abt 30cm space.

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Are your clown fish in there yet? Beware of the 3 spot Domino damsel. It's got a aggressive reputation.

nope, clown fishy is not in yet. if no one letting go of a normal one i think i drop by a LFS to get 1 or 2 (:

ard 3$ each right?

ya i did read abt the 3 spot domino damsel ): i am scared now.

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Anyway its pretty common to see that clownfishes don't host on anemones and on some other corals such as hammer and etc

I have a orange yuma and a 10 head striped mushies and a clarkii clown to give away pm me if interested I am located at the north btw :friends:

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