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Normal Sun Coral


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Really envy to see all these super sunnies...

at least there is a target for me...

i will learn my easy way first with sunny...

next time then promote to super sunnies...-)

Bro, normal suns are just as nice, especially when the whole rock is fully opened and extended. From your first pic, yours should open up twice that size. Super sun is bigger per polyp and but it's super costly and much smaller too relative to normal suns. Personally, i'm not sure why the craze over super suns.

And before you venture more of them, think long-term if you are willing to feed individual heads on a regular basis. If you think you are those '5 mins warm' type and too busy to do constant target feeding, then better think twice of buying more.

Happy reefing.

bro, shouldn't envy :rolleyes: once you're able to care well on your sunnies, and they come out blooming often, you're gg to appreciate them more, they look stunning as well. actually as I understand from readings previously, seems these suns (tubastrea) are even harder than super suns (dendros), in the sense that the dendros are more 'forgiving' in less feedings than tubastrea. some testing needs to be done - before i fed my supers once everyday, but they responded not so good about it and seems to keep on throwing up, so i lessened it to average 3x / wk, and since then they have been thriving well. important thing is they stay healthy, and hopefully stay open longer.

the dendros are indeed much more costly. the main diff is really the bigger polyps, and bigger blooms. i haven't really had experience with suns, but just thinking about it, imay even find it harder to feed them individually than supers (due to the bigger heads). my super is now 43 heads, and i'm not able to feed all specially kids and babies, but since these babies are connected, then nutrient sharing seems to be working, and they are still growing.

i guess the important thing is whether these are normal suns or supers, or normal zoos and those exotic, we can still bring out something special so long as we keep them healthy and happy ... and next thing you know they either develop more stunning vibrant colors :eyebrow:

cheers !

25 Gal Micro Ocean

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A very potent way to get them to open is seafood mix... Prawn, Sliverfish, sotong and blend den mix with rotifers, cyclopeeze and mysis... Squirt at the sun coral on the time that you want it to open... After a week, it will open at the time... After 1-2 months, it will remain open...

PS: Skimmer need to be oversize and it will go crazy...

hehe, right terry. i was doing this previously, and yes my skimmer goes berzerk, and still my water quality still gets messed up (only using tunze nano) ... so now just feed them 1x/wk of some live brine, frozen mysis and cyclopeeze, then 3x / wk of fauna marin ultra LPS. and they stay happy :agreed: and my water doesn't get messed up as much as before ...


25 Gal Micro Ocean

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