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First round of 2011 Lionfish Derby catches over 500 specimens

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On April 20, 2011, Advanced Aquarist reported on the second annual Lionfish Derby (as well as the threats lionfish pose in the Atlantic).  The first round commenced this past weekend on Long Key, successfully removing 531 non-native lionfish from Caribbean waters.  Two more rounds remain: August 20 in Key Largo and November 5 in Key West.

This year's first round removed almost as many lionfish as all three rounds from last year's tournament.  While it is encouraging to see greater participation in this year's derby (resulting in the removal of more lionfishes), the increased catch also reminds everyone how fast the Indo-Pacific Lionfish are breeding in the Atlantic.  The purposes of the Lionfish Derby are both to remove invasive Lionfish as well as promote public awareness of this growing ecological problem.


NOAA's National Marine Sanctuaries press release:

May 16, 2011


Karrie Carnes


More than 500 Lionfish Removed in Second Annual Middle Florida Keys Roundup

Divers successfully removed 531 invasive lionfish from Florida Keys waters on May 14, during the first event of the Second Annual Florida Keys Lionfish Derby Series in Long Key, Fla., organized by Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF).

Ten teams of divers competed for $3,350 in cash and prizes in the categories of most, largest and smallest lionfish in the first of three lionfish derbies planned for 2011. Team "Strategery" of Key Largo netted $1,000 for most lionfish with their haul of 158 fish collected in the single day event. Team "Full Circle," Islamorada, won $500 for largest lionfish with a 14-inch fish, while Team "Key Lime Good Time" of Miami took home $500 for the smallest lionfish at 2 1/2 inches. Many teams took prizes in multiple categories. Click here for complete derby results.

Researchers from the U.S. Geological Society collected tissue samples from lionfish caught at the derby to learn more about lionfish genetics, growth and impacts to native marine life. Derby attendees sampled cooked lionfish appetizers and viewed fillet demonstrations. The Long Key derby was sponsored by the City of Layton and Divers Direct.

The remaining 2011 lionfish derbies are scheduled August 20 and Nov. 5 in Key Largo and Key West respectively. Teams of up to four divers may register at www.reef.org/lionfish/derbies.

Growing populations of lionfish off the southeast U.S. and Caribbean are impacting native reef fish communities and could hamper stock rebuilding efforts. Lionfish have no known predators and consume commercially and ecologically important fish species.

The Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF) is a 501 c (3) marine conservation organization dedicated to protecting and preserving marine environments. REEF has been leading lionfish research, education and control efforts throughout the invaded region. For more information visit www.REEF.org.

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary protects 2,900 square nautical miles of critical marine habitat, including coral reef, hard bottom, sea grass meadows, mangrove communities and sand flats. NOAA and the state of Florida manage the sanctuary. Visit us online or on Facebook.

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