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Tuning a Calcium Reactor


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Out of curiosity, what kind of values are you getting out of yours?

For CO2, I'm using those fine-tuning valve.

For the effluent, I'm using the normal plastic cheapo valve for air hose. Still trying to get a better one, but haven't source it yet, bec most of them contain metal parts.

so far, my drip is able to be maintain quite constant, bec the input is from a pump to the valve for driping.

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I tho so on the output, but his measurement is a bit out of norm, based on 2nd trial,

higher effluent drip rate which increase the pH level, yet have a higher dkh.....(but he increase the CO2 input rate too!)

I think the problem is in measuring the correct drip rate.

( :pinch: 40 drops/second again!)

Is that abnormal....

Refering to first post, mY readings for first attempt is 6.5 for pH with more than 32 dkH for Alk levels... didn't proceed further to find actual value...

2nd readings are 6.8 for pH... with dkH readings at 47......

Whats weird with this reading....??? :blink:

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The lower the PH values... the more the media will dissolve... releasing higher cal and alk readings...

In your case... your PH got higher but your alk increased a lot more... logically... it can't happen... esp, now that you increased effluent flow.

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Joe... can you define what you mean by "can't meet my Reefs Calcium demand"?

What's your tank's current cal and alk levels like?

What's your CR's current cal and alk levels like?

Please add in your PH levels for your tank and CR too.

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The lower the PH values... the more the media will dissolve... releasing higher cal and alk readings...

In your case... your PH got higher but your alk increased a lot more... logically... it can't happen... esp, now that you increased effluent flow.

You missed the last post.....pls read carefully maybe this time with your glass on... notice the word "more"... :P

I did not proceed to find out the actual reading of dkH of the first test...... stopped at 32 dkH..... ;) The readings would be higher if I proceed on...

My reef's alk levels at 10 and calciums at 320 at the moment...

will test my effluents calcium reading later....

Still tweaking that crazy thing.....

My current configuration's not able to get the levels up....(not able to meet the reefs demand....)

so was hoping a higher amount of effluent in might make the difference.....

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okie... it looks like a simple thing to solve.

Since your tank's calcium levels are so low and your alk is high, you have to boost it up to around 450 first with calcium chloride.

You can't expect the CR to produce enough cal and not push your alk over the edge!

Too high an alk level will bring down your calcium levels,,,, were you dosing too much Reef Builder? If you overdose that, it won't be surprising to see your calcium levels fall.

The CR should be a calcium level maintaining tool... and not one that can boost up calcium from 320 to over 450 in a very short time!! Don't forget that your CR is producing alk at the same time!!

Luckily for all of us, Alk depletes faster than calcium.

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  • SRC Supporter
okie... it looks like a simple thing to solve.

Since your tank's calcium levels are so low and your alk is high, you have to boost it up to around 450 first with calcium chloride.

You can't expect the CR to produce enough cal and not push your alk over the edge!

Too high an alk level will bring down your calcium levels,,,, were you dosing too much Reef Builder? If you overdose that, it won't be surprising to see your calcium levels fall.

The CR should be a calcium level maintaining tool... and not one that can boost up calcium from 320 to over 450 in a very short time!!  Don't forget that your CR is producing alk at the same time!!

Luckily for all of us, Alk depletes faster than calcium.

Yes... I'm trying....

Jus dump some CACl in recently... will take readings again later....

Hey, think you might have jus solve my problem....

I did dump in some ( :whistle ) Reef Builder in previously last round.... think it might be a little too much..... :(

A CR could be used to increase alk/cal levels of the reef ....

and later re tune to maintain them.... :)

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A CA could be used to increase alk/cal levels of the reef ....

and later re tune to maintain them.... :)

Well, if you have a CR that's big as mine and you have a tank that's Danano's size... yeah... it could raise cal/alk and then maintain it... but too big a reactor and too small a tank.... means you will experience huge PH drops.... ;)

There's always a fine balance to everything... never overdose anything! ;)

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guys ,

i did it the lazy way !!! :look:

I measured the tank PH , Alk n Calcium after lights off .( take note of time !!) .... Turn the CA reactor on , setup a "typical' CO2 bubble count n effluent drip rate . (EG : 1bubble /2 sec , 50ml/min ) .....

Take the water parameters again at the same time the following day or 2 !!! ( ps: this might not be really accurate, got to allow for the CA reactor to settle down ..ie time )

Compare the readings to those u have before u turn on the CA reactor

Work accordingly towards your goal of optimum ALK N CALCIUM !

It's a trial n error thingy ! :)


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  • SRC Member
Out of curiosity, what kind of values are you getting out of yours?

my output is as follows:

dkh : 25 - 27dkh

pH : 6.8

Calcium : 440-460 mg/l

CO2 at 1.5 per second

Input at 3 drop per second

Actually, my tank Ca intake is low, so I just let it run at this level. :P

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Joe_p, have fun playing with your CR... here's how much I have taken mine to the extreme....

Calcium Reactor effluent:

PH: 6.32

Cal: 760 ppm

Alk: 65dkh

Scary right! :shock:

I don't recommend trying this extreme tweaking with A.R.M.... the water in the reactor becomes no longer clear but foggy! ;) SUPER-SATURATED!!!!! But the A.R.M. turns to mush!

Have fun you all!

Oh... I am tweaking my CR levels to be back around PH 6.5, 49dkh, 650ppm. ;)

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btw, what do you all use for the valve to control the effluent drips?

and where to get it?

I've tried the shop specialised in valve in Kelantan Road, but his got a metal ring, which will rust in SW.

Target is to tune to 1 drip every 1-3 seconds. :P

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Jus taken a readin of the effluent from my CR....

Ph : 7.1

dkH : 30

CA : 460

bubble count : 1 bubble per second

effluent drip : 58 ml/min

gonna pump more CO2 in and take measurements again few hours later.....

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Jus taken a readin of the effluent from my CR....

Ph : 7.1

dkH : 30

CA : 460

bubble count : 1 bubble per second

effluent drip : 58 ml/min

gonna pump more CO2 in and take measurements again few hours later.....

At pH level of 7 or above...the dissolve of the media may not occur.

I think the highest should be at pH 6.8.

so you have to either reduce your inflow or increase your CO2.


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btw, what do you all use for the valve to control the effluent drips?

and where to get it?

I've tried the shop specialised in valve in Kelantan Road, but his got a metal ring, which will rust in SW.

Target is to tune to 1 drip every 1-3 seconds. :P

Use a plastic pinch valve. Available from most FW shops.

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At pH level of 7 or above...the dissolve of the media may not occur.

I think the highest should be at pH 6.8.

I'm using ARM...

and they are known to dissolve at a higher pH compared to other medias....

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