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Help needed with calcium!!

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Hi reefer, i am new to this hobby.. I wish to start a reef tank.. I have read some books and also view videos on youtube regarding setting up reef aquarium. I had also followed some threads on advice of what might go wrong with a reef tank..

Here i seek some one to explain regarding the requirement of calcium reactor & doser.. And most probably any other reactor i might need.. As from what i know reef needs abt 380-440ppm of calcium to thrive on.. Please explain.. Thanks..

My build:

3*1.5*2 tank

2*1.5*1.5 sump

Hilea chiller

Protein skimmer - tunze

Return pump

3ft t5 light (think its mh) for tank

diy pvc overflow

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Dear Sir,

Don't mean to rain on the parade..

I'm also new to the hobby and I made some mistakes thinking that I'm able to grow corals immediately with a new tank.

After being in the hobby for about a year, I realized that patience is the key.

May I suggest that you start the basics such as choosing your substrate (or go barebottom)

Then go for a decent live rock to water volume ratio, cycle the tank fully before selecting some easy to grow corals (such as hammer / frogspawn) or even mushrooms.

The growth of the easier corals will spur you on which we train our patience..

Then slowly move on to harder corals such as SPS (acropora)

Just my thoughts, I've made my fair share of mistakes by being too impatient so I would really appeal to you to start slow and go steady..


4 x 2 x 1 low tank


Trying to minimise equipment as much as possible.

Would love to make new friends in the reefing community - PM me!

A short video of my tank on a Sunday morning

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  • 3 weeks later...

Add 2 or 3 hardy cheap fishes for tank to cycle.

Dose good bacteria to kick start the nitrogen cycle.

A few weeks after diatom bloom, algae bloom, then slowly add corals.

Always check your water parameters every week, especially kH.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Add 2 or 3 hardy cheap fishes for tank to cycle.

Dose good bacteria to kick start the nitrogen cycle.

A few weeks after diatom bloom, algae bloom, then slowly add corals.

Always check your water parameters every week, especially kH.

How long will diatom and algae remain in the tank?

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