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Where to get calibration solution


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Hi guys,

Any bro knows where I can get below;

Saw on F n M website but gotta chalk up stuff to reach free delivery

American Marine PINPOINT® Salinity Calibration Fluid

[AMSC] SGD9.00

Appreciate feedbacks, tks

Fushi Fish Tank: FS003 (3 ft)

Overflow Glass Tank: 36”x 22” x 24”

Sump Tank: 24” x 16” x 18”

Return Pump - Eheim Universal Pump 1264

Maxpect Mazarra P Series

2 x 60W Module

Hydor Koralia 2 - Wavemaker Pump 2300L/h

Coralife Turbo Twist 3X - 9W

Eheim Compact 1000

Enductor Fluidized Reactor- FR30 w/TLF NPX Biopellets

Eheim Compact 600

TLF PhosBan Reactor 150 w/Rowa Carbon

TLF PhosBan Reactor 150 w/Rowa Phos

Teco Chiller TR 10 1/8 hp

Aquabee 2000/I

Meshwheel protein skimmer - BM-NAC6A

Atman ph2500


Yellow Tang x 1/Pacific Blue Tang x 1/Yellow-Eye Kole Tang/Flame Angel x 1/Cherub Dwarf Angel x 1/Blue Mini Angel x 1/Maroon Clown x 1/Black Lepoard Wrasse x 1/False Percula Clown x 1/Neon Goby x 1/Cleaner Shrimp x 1/Blood Shrimp x 1/Peppermint Shrimp x 1/Hermit Crabs/Zoas & Mushrooms/Snails - Turban, Nassarius, Bumble Bee, Red Sea Cumumber...

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where you stayinh? C328 carry them

Hey, me in north.

Will check out C328, tks.

Fushi Fish Tank: FS003 (3 ft)

Overflow Glass Tank: 36”x 22” x 24”

Sump Tank: 24” x 16” x 18”

Return Pump - Eheim Universal Pump 1264

Maxpect Mazarra P Series

2 x 60W Module

Hydor Koralia 2 - Wavemaker Pump 2300L/h

Coralife Turbo Twist 3X - 9W

Eheim Compact 1000

Enductor Fluidized Reactor- FR30 w/TLF NPX Biopellets

Eheim Compact 600

TLF PhosBan Reactor 150 w/Rowa Carbon

TLF PhosBan Reactor 150 w/Rowa Phos

Teco Chiller TR 10 1/8 hp

Aquabee 2000/I

Meshwheel protein skimmer - BM-NAC6A

Atman ph2500


Yellow Tang x 1/Pacific Blue Tang x 1/Yellow-Eye Kole Tang/Flame Angel x 1/Cherub Dwarf Angel x 1/Blue Mini Angel x 1/Maroon Clown x 1/Black Lepoard Wrasse x 1/False Percula Clown x 1/Neon Goby x 1/Cleaner Shrimp x 1/Blood Shrimp x 1/Peppermint Shrimp x 1/Hermit Crabs/Zoas & Mushrooms/Snails - Turban, Nassarius, Bumble Bee, Red Sea Cumumber...

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as above and reef depot.

If a man could beat his own fantasy. Then to only breed in captivity. Then its pointless.

Genesis 1:20

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

|| Tank: 78" x 30" x 30" || Sump: 48" x 22" x 20" || Lights: PowerModule 10 X 80W|| Returns: 2 x HF32 ||

|| Skimmer: BubbleKing Supermarin 300 || Wavemaker: 3 x 6100 & 1 x 6200, 2 x Wavebox 6212, WavySea ||

|| FR: 2 x FR150 || NR: Sulphur Denitrator || CR: RM Custom Made 8" || KR: Deltec KM500 || TopUp: Tunze Osmolator 3155 ||

|| UV: Coralife 12X 36W || Ozonizer: Sanders C200|| Controller: GHL Profilux Plus II Ex ||

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