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white spot at midnight, dissappear in the daytime

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Hi folks,

Some of my fishes (namely Emperor, Flame , Sixbar angel) seems to have many tiny white spots covering the body at mid night and i can still see them in the morning before i go to work. however, in the evening when i reach home from work, the white spots are gone(reduced). This has been happening for 2-3 days now. Some of the fish seems to be breathing heavily.

Can advise what am i dealing with?

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Hi folks,

Some of my fishes (namely Emperor, Flame , Sixbar angel) seems to have many tiny white spots covering the body at mid night and i can still see them in the morning before i go to work. however, in the evening when i reach home from work, the white spots are gone(reduced). This has been happening for 2-3 days now. Some of the fish seems to be breathing heavily.

Can advise what am i dealing with?

Mine is night no spots, lights on the spots are back. My fish are eating as normal though.

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Mine is night no spots, lights on the spots are back. My fish are eating as normal though.

night you cant see ma haha

anyway my AT has the same issue

give up liao, take it as pattern lol

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seems that nowadays ich parasites also work in shifts... :P

i usually just carry on feeding the fishes.. with better food/vitamins supplements.

u can try to add some galic juice also to increase the fishes appetite.

i dun believe in taking the fishes out for treatment becos that usually stress the fishes further.

Most of the time ended up dead.

so far my successful treatments is feed better food/vitamin supplement.

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Most likely due to ph shifts that is stressing out the fish. Usually after the lights are off, the ph will swing. The severity of it depends on your system.

PH swing is my guess. Do check with the other seniors how to troubleshoot. Google too:).


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Hi folks,

Some of my fishes (namely Emperor, Flame , Sixbar angel) seems to have many tiny white spots covering the body at mid night and i can still see them in the morning before i go to work. however, in the evening when i reach home from work, the white spots are gone(reduced). This has been happening for 2-3 days now. Some of the fish seems to be breathing heavily.

Can advise what am i dealing with?

I'm also having the same problem last 3 weeks..

Whitespots and blackspots appear on my powder blue tang

throughout the nite and disappear when the lites r on but he's eating

pellets like theres no tomorrow... My remedy is adding a 11watt UV to

my 4ft tank and by the third day, no more black

or whitespots during lites off or on till today...

Maybe the uv helps... Just my 2 cents...

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after the Flame Angel died, i managed to catch the six bar angel out and dip it into Fresh Tap water for 10 minutes. After i release it back into the tank, it had some rotten tail but the white spots are totally gone. Now monitoring..

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nah uv doesnt help much...i have uv but its doesnt make much of a change...i dipped my regal tang in fresh water but it died anyway...i have to agree with rockfish, good water quality n good food.

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