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Any bros can tell me whether that is ich? parasite? or norm?

This Cowfish is a new resident in the tank, and according to the LFS it is fully cured from ich....

However I can see some tiny white spot on the fin, but is will just disappear tml and come back the day after randomly.. <_<

At first there are white spots on its eye, but 2 days later it's gone, till now no spots on eye, it's been in the tank for nearly 2 weeks.

I got no QT... so if it's ich.. need some advices...


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My cleaner shrimps very effective in clearing these for my fishes

Cleaner shrimp and Cleaner wrasse or neon globy does not help to remove "Ich" or white spot from fishes. They mainly remove dead skin from the fishes.

I think you boxer fish is infected with ich . Monitor it for a few day , if it stop feeding it mean it is getting serious.

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Thanks for the replies :)

is there any way i can treat it in main tank with inverts and corals ?

(cowfish is eating like pig though)

I do have a spare tank, but it's a 10 gallon nano.

Furthermore, if i gonna QT all my fish which are 2 clowns 2 gobies 1 cowfish, i dun think it is possible too...

On top of this, i need to cycle my nano

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Thanks for the replies :)

is there any way i can treat it in main tank with inverts and corals ?

(cowfish is eating like pig though)

I do have a spare tank, but it's a 10 gallon nano.

Furthermore, if i gonna QT all my fish which are 2 clowns 2 gobies 1 cowfish, i dun think it is possible too...

On top of this, i need to cycle my nano

Perhapses you can continue to monitor the fish first to see if it get worst or stop feeding? Check also if your other fishes is infected with the white spot or not, if not you can either live with it or take it out for medication. You can also help to enhance the fish immune system by feeding your foods soak with various health addictive i.e; Garlic, Vit c, Selcon ect..

I feel the best and most effective medicate for combating white spot is still Copper. However, Copper is harmful to corals and invert and never medictae your main tank with rocks and corals. Follow strictly the instruction on the dosage as too much copper is also harmful to the fish.

HTH friends.gif

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Guess i will go get some garlic solution, any recommendations?

I was thinking of adding tang into my LS in the future, but if i do not remove the parasite, do you think the tang can survive?

Garlic may help improve your overall health of your fish to help it battle the ich in their body, but it will not cure the fish of Ich . There will also be very high chance of your newly intro tang caught up with Ich in your tank depending on it;s health unless you remove Ich from your tank completely and QT each and every new fish. The most effective method so far is;

1) Removing all the fish and leave the tank without any fishes for 4 week ( But some would suggest 8 week ).

2) Copper treatment .

3) Reducing the salinity of the water .

For the mean time, do not add any new fish to your tank.

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