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Weekly LFS & Shipment Updates - 25th Apr to 1st May 11

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Can't believe I am the only one that appreciates tricinctus clownfish. Reached around noon all the tricinctus still there. :heh:

u hv to admit the percula family hv a better favor in aquarium trade...lookin at platinum clowns, it was nv abt the price...

at the current rate breeders breed, its a matter of time, percula family get cheaper day by day...

lets nt dilute the updating thrend..


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Can't believe I am the only one that appreciates tricinctus clownfish. Reached around noon all the tricinctus still there. :heh:

Are the chrysopterus at Iwarna white tail or yellow tail? Any single small tricintus still available?

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Are the chrysopterus at Iwarna white tail or yellow tail? Any single small tricintus still available?

Yellow tail with me under strict QT. If they survive probably will be 4-5 years before they even breed. I have once sworn to stop buying chrysopterus clowns as I have just killed too many, but these guys are not the common white tailed variants.

You are just looking for 1 tricinctus? If so might be able to spare 1. The clowns although small, do seem to adapt much better to captive conditions as compared to bigger sized ones.

Always something more important than fish.


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to the reefers who bought the Christmas island emperor angelfish and tinker's butterflyfish from iwarna, congratulations.

these 2 fishes are rare and extremely gorgeous.

xmas island emperors, famed for their orange tails, and tinker's butterfly, the hardest to obtain of the obtainable Roaps butterflies. gorgeous and extremely elegant fish.

i hope they last a long time with you!

Wonder the bro who got the Hawaii emperor could kindly post a pic.

Did some search. Apparently emperor angel is never found in Hawaii seas.

The one or two spotted by divers are most likely released there through aquarium tanks...



  Stu Ganz and Bill Stohler both sent me photos of this Emperor Angelfish, seen by each them individually on May 9, 2010, in a swim-through cave at Sharks Cove, Pupukea, O`ahu. The species is native to coral reefs from Africa to the Line Islands and French Polynesia, but not to Hawai`i. Given that it was seen at one of O`ahu's most popular dive sites, the fish is almost certainly an aquarium release. There is, of course, the more remote possibility that it got here naturally. Such things have happened. In 1948, before the advent of the commercial aquarium trade, an adult was captured in a trap off Ewa at a depth of 90 ft. But there is no evidence that a breeding population has ever existed in Hawai`i.

   If this Pupukea fish arrived naturally, it would likely have grown up in the area where it was photographed. And if a juvenile Emperor Angelfish (even more spectacular than the adult) had been present last summer, it would certainly have been noticed and photographed by dozens of divers, and the word would have certainly got out. Of course, in the unlikely event that it did grow up here unnoticed, it is questionable whether such a fish could survived the onslaught of this winter's waves.

  As a matter of interest, another Emperor Angelfish lived for some years in Honolulu Harbor, near the Falls of Clyde and could easily be seen from shore.

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  • Senior Reefer

Wonder the bro who got the Hawaii emperor could kindly post a pic.

Did some search. Apparently emperor angel is never found in Hawaii seas.

The one or two spotted by divers are most likely released there through aquarium tanks...



Stu Ganz and Bill Stohler both sent me photos of this Emperor Angelfish, seen by each them individually on May 9, 2010, in a swim-through cave at Sharks Cove, Pupukea, O`ahu. The species is native to coral reefs from Africa to the Line Islands and French Polynesia, but not to Hawai`i. Given that it was seen at one of O`ahu's most popular dive sites, the fish is almost certainly an aquarium release. There is, of course, the more remote possibility that it got here naturally. Such things have happened. In 1948, before the advent of the commercial aquarium trade, an adult was captured in a trap off Ewa at a depth of 90 ft. But there is no evidence that a breeding population has ever existed in Hawai`i.

If this Pupukea fish arrived naturally, it would likely have grown up in the area where it was photographed. And if a juvenile Emperor Angelfish (even more spectacular than the adult) had been present last summer, it would certainly have been noticed and photographed by dozens of divers, and the word would have certainly got out. Of course, in the unlikely event that it did grow up here unnoticed, it is questionable whether such a fish could survived the onslaught of this winter's waves.

As a matter of interest, another Emperor Angelfish lived for some years in Honolulu Harbor, near the Falls of Clyde and could easily be seen from shore.

emperors are not found in hawaii.. occasionally 1 or 2 will be found there as waifs. the eggs or larvae float from nearby islands to the hawaiian archipelago by accident. this is extremely rare occurrence.

the one that came was from christmas islands.

christmas island and marshall island fishes are caught and then shipped to hawaii to transit. and then they are shipped to the rest of the world via "hawaii shipments".

i think there's a big confusion here. doesn't mean the fish coming from a hawaii shipment means that the fish is found in hawaii.

rhomboid wrasse is not found in hawaii. it's endemic to the marshall islands.

emperor angel is not found in hawaii.

ventralis anthias are caught from the marshall islands.

helfrichi firefishes are caught from the marshalls.

declivis butterflies are caught from the christmas islands.

flame angels are super rare in hawaii! to find a flame angel in hawaii is like finding a 4 leaf clover. the tons of flame angels that we see are from the marshall and christmas islands.

but these common hawaii fishes are all sent to hawaii to be exported out through hawaii shipments.

so i hope that answers your question.

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There are only v few fishes from "hawaii" shipment that is really caught in hawaii water. Namely flame wrasse, AT, potter, fisheri and a few others.

Most other, listed above by lemon, are not caught in hawaii but from nearby islands like xmas and marshalls. Even griffis angel, goldflake angels, multicolor angels and black tang are not from hawaii water.

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Can't believe I am the only one that appreciates tricinctus clownfish. Reached around noon all the tricinctus still there. :heh:

I came down to buy both the tribars and blue stripe actually, but you were faster, and joe advised me against it, he said both of you killed countless.

After you shared that it really isn't easy, I am glad I didnt buy it, the fishes have a higher chance with you guys.

Looking forward to good news from your clowns, would like to be first on the list to buy your F1s :)

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Iwarna would still have some super suns to sell.

Main Tank: 3ft x 2ft x 2ft

Sump Tank: 2ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft

Overflow Pump: 4500 l/hr

Lighting: T5 HO Metal Halide

Wavemaker: MP40w

Skimmer: BK Mini 200

Chiller: Arctica DBM-250 1/3hp

Phosphate Reactor: TLF Phosban 150

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rhomboid wrasse is not found in hawaii. it's endemic to the marshall islands.

emperor angel is not found in hawaii.

ventralis anthias are caught from the marshall islands.

helfrichi firefishes are caught from the marshalls.

declivis butterflies are caught from the christmas islands.

flame angels are super rare in hawaii! to find a flame angel in hawaii is like finding a 4 leaf clover. the tons of flame angels that we see are from the marshall and christmas islands.

but these common hawaii fishes are all sent to hawaii to be exported out through hawaii shipments.

so i hope that answers your question.

There are only v few fishes from "hawaii" shipment that is really caught in hawaii water. Namely flame wrasse, AT, potter, fisheri and a few others.

Most other, listed above by lemon, are not caught in hawaii but from nearby islands like xmas and marshalls. Even griffis angel, goldflake angels, multicolor angels and black tang are not from hawaii water.

Thanks for the clarifications.

I put the info here as it was posted as "Hawaiian Emperor Angel", so thought of clarifying here :)

Nonetheless, it would be wonderful if can see the orange tailed emperor angel from marshalls.

Heard the colour is more striking as well.

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orange tail emperor from the christmas islands. not marshalls.

yes it was wrongly labelled as hawaiian emperors. the misconception is ubiquitous everywhere.

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orange tail emperor from the christmas islands. not marshalls.

yes it was wrongly labelled as hawaiian emperors. the misconception is ubiquitous everywhere.

Emperor angelfish from Medan, maldive and RedSea also have orange tail, I had seen all of this personally. However Xmas island one not only the orange tail is striking but the colour one the body striking too. Saw one two year at Lck very impressive.


One of my favourite fish only.

Give me one more chance....

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  • Senior Reefer

Emperor angelfish from Medan, maldive and RedSea also have orange tail, I had seen all of this personally. However Xmas island one not only the orange tail is striking but the colour one the body striking too. Saw one two year at Lck very impressive.

orange tail emperor appear everywhere yes, but christmas island emperors are mostly known for their orange tail. although everywhere else also can find.

just like blood red flame angels can be found in marshalls, christmas and hawaii. but the hawaiian blood red ones are more well known.

the one you've shown me from iwarna has a very impressive orange tail.

the body of xmas island emperor is darker blue and v striking.

i hope yours grows into a big majestic adult!

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orange tail emperor appear everywhere yes, but christmas island emperors are mostly known for their orange tail. although everywhere else also can find.

just like blood red flame angels can be found in marshalls, christmas and hawaii. but the hawaiian blood red ones are more well known.

the one you've shown me from iwarna has a very impressive orange tail.

the body of xmas island emperor is darker blue and v striking.

i hope yours grows into a big majestic adult!

Yes Xmas island specimen have solid orange tail.


One of my favourite fish only.

Give me one more chance....

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orange tail emperor appear everywhere yes, but christmas island emperors are mostly known for their orange tail. although everywhere else also can find.

just like blood red flame angels can be found in marshalls, christmas and hawaii. but the hawaiian blood red ones are more well known.

the one you've shown me from iwarna has a very impressive orange tail.

the body of xmas island emperor is darker blue and v striking.

i hope yours grows into a big majestic adult!

err...wonder what is the difference between orange tail and impressive orange tail???

Picture will do wonders :)

So which lucky chap got the xmas island emperor angel??

Post some pictures :ThanxSmiley:

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here's another emperor angel from christmas island showing the solid orange tail and the dark blue body colours.

please don't compare prices of these emperors to that of the normal indonesian ones. these are show stopping gorgeous beauties!


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Anyone know which lfs have powder brown and powder black and also AT? Thinking of getting one of them.

the aunt opp ah beng..lots of powder brown yesterday night.

big and fat and cheap..1 red only.

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Here's the sub-adult transitioning emperor angel from the christmas islands that iwarna brought in.

the tail is orange but not as deep yet. the colour will intensify as the fish ages!


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