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Fishes die suddenly

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I had 3 fishes die suddenly today. 2 dies yesterday. 1 die few day ago. They I suppose not attack by any fishes cos not really any body wound except when they die the fishes nibble on them. But they have one symptom which is the die with their month open wide. The fishes dead are fire gobies, royal gamma, goby, purple fire fishes. All are hardy fishes and have been eating well. My last fish die just mins ago and i see him till his last breath from healthy 30 mins ago. Can anyone help? What is wrong?

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  • SRC Member

My fish die e same way. No visible injuries other then mouth wide open. Some of e reason i can tink off is not enough oxygen or water movement and temp issue. I dunno. Sori to hear ur losses bro. Maybe wat u can do now is to change water...

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  • SRC Member

Then like my wife say... Inside e tank got ghost n e fish is scare to death... Ahakz... Jus kidding bro... Im myself also not sure of e reason y my fish die too... Guess we jus hav to move on bro...

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Pm to u Liao! I guess it is cynide again!

Royal Gamma died of cyanide. You will get scolding from Lemonlemon. Dun always put the blame on cyanide when a fish die. Especially when 1 by 1 follow. Better check your other fishes and monitor them closely.

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  • SRC Member

Sad to hear this...

It's best to buy fishes from reputable LFS...

Those that r not professional better dun try...

Some1 doesn't 1 2 do anything find an excuse,some1 1 2 do something find a mean!

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yes test kits can expire!!! Look at the expiration date on the boxes.

If it's one by one, then it's probably some sort of harmful bacteria intro into the tank by either a new fish OR is it from the water ? Do you make your own salt water or do you use NSW?

WHat's your nitrate level like?

Cheers, ;)


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yes test kits can expire!!! Look at the expiration date on the boxes.

If it's one by one, then it's probably some sort of harmful bacteria intro into the tank by either a new fish OR is it from the water ? Do you make your own salt water or do you use NSW?

WHat's your nitrate level like?

Nothing to do with your water parameter.Bro, from the picture you have a very serious parasite in your tank. As you can see, it is internal. Better treat your other fishes or else you'll have more casualty. Better find some antibiotic medicine for treating internal parasite.

Good luck.

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yes test kits can expire!!! Look at the expiration date on the boxes.

If it's one by one, then it's probably some sort of harmful bacteria intro into the tank by either a new fish OR is it from the water ? Do you make your own salt water or do you use NSW?

WHat's your nitrate level like?

My nitrate is near zero. Not sure is it bcos my test kit expire. There is no expire date on the test kit. So I think it has no expired bah on this brand of test kit. I intro naturally seawater initially then recently switch back to me salt.

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Nothing to do with your water parameter.Bro, from the picture you have a very serious parasite in your tank. As you can see, it is internal. Better treat your other fishes or else you'll have more casualty. Better find some antibiotic medicine for treating internal parasite.

Good luck.

Any idea what kind of parasites? The belly is usually brown when they die.

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I am not very sure what sort of internal parasite but best bet is to look for treatment for internal usage.

At least now it is getting better. Fishes are now stable and no fishes die. Hopefully the rest not get infected.

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