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12G -24G Upgrade


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  • SRC Member

Here's some pics of my old 12G nano




which was kinda pack till I have problem cleaning the walls so decided to upgrade to a 24G nano.


And here's a pix for a comparison


Am using most of my existing equipment with some minor upgrades

Equipment list:

Tunze 9002

CL650 Chiller

Ehiem 2213 for Bio-filter

11w UVC for algae control

PH/ORP Controller for PH monitor

Maxspect 110W G1

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  • SRC Member

Here are some pics after the transfer of LRs and LS.


A close view after the transfer.


Was pretty amazed that I was able to pack all the LRs and LS in my previous 12G.

A better FTS after minor rescape





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  • SRC Member

Love your bigger tank bro. I'm sure your fishes appreciate it too. :thumbsup:


How come the light on bigger Maxspect looks more bluish?

More blue LED (ratio) compared to the 60W, I guess.

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  • SRC Member

Here are some pics of my LS.

Yellow Wrasse-old inhabitant


Bi-colour Blenny-old inhabitant


Rainbow Wrasse?


Six Line


Unknown Wrasse (RIP due to aggression from 6 line) :rip:


Yellow Goby (Adopted from Slimymadness) :ThanxSmiley:


Doctor Shrimp


Pair of True Perc (not sure why but did not develop much black on body) :pinch: -old inhabitant


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the rainbow wrasse is a lubbock's fairy wrasse,

and the unknown (rip) one is commonly known as a disappearing (or striated, secretive) wrasse. the aggression came cause both the sixline and the disappearing is from the same genus Pseudocheilinus.

just my 0.02 but the yellow goby looks a little skinny. nice pictures! :D

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the rainbow wrasse is a lubbock's fairy wrasse,

and the unknown (rip) one is commonly known as a disappearing (or striated, secretive) wrasse. the aggression came cause both the sixline and the disappearing is from the same genus Pseudocheilinus.

just my 0.02 but the yellow goby looks a little skinny. nice pictures! :D

Thanks for the info! Yup the yellow fella kinda skinny when I adopt it from bro Slimymadness. Has started eating but only takes brine shrimp. Those pics were taken about 2 weeks ago.

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Some corals pics.

Green buttons (Cheap and nice) with unknown hitch hiker mini clove


Green/yellow ply


Zoa/ply (unknown)


Common Zoa with green pimple shroom






Normal Yuma & white strip Red shroom


Red Blasto & Red Zoa


Unknown Clove




Radio Active Zoa?


Eagle Eye Zoa?


Blue Shroom


Pumping Xenia


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  • SRC Member

hi, bro

Nice tank and lighting.

may i know what chemical you dose to maintain the reef inside tank?

Nothing much, just top up with kalk + distill water, dose calcium, feed 5in1 coral food, water change at least one a month.

The Corals that I keep are the easy stuffs.

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