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WTB 2FT Cube


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still looking!

had some offers from a few kind bros here, but for 1 reason or another, i cannot take over their tanks.

just a pity...

hope to find one soon. do let me know if you guys have any for sale.

also looking for MAXSPECT G2 110W if any bro is thinking of letting go.




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yup, i've actually asked around for the quotes.

but it seem to take forever to come... sigh..

so meantime i still looking to see if someone is giving up so i can take over...

budget is definitely a problem...

why dont wait during Aquarama. I am displaying a 2ft cube (saphire glass)3 sided and will sell off after the show....

U keen, u can see the tank when its new and we can deliver to you after the show.....


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why dont wait during Aquarama. I am displaying a 2ft cube (saphire glass)3 sided and will sell off after the show....

U keen, u can see the tank when its new and we can deliver to you after the show.....


Ohh! Bro DE, let's talk about this..

Definitely can consider..

Unfortunately, i will be traveling from 27-29th May.. Thus i will miss Aquarama totally!

Cursed at myself for choosing the dates of travel... =.=

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Ohh! Bro DE, let's talk about this..

Definitely can consider..

Unfortunately, i will be traveling from 27-29th May.. Thus i will miss Aquarama totally!

Cursed at myself for choosing the dates of travel... =.=

like i mention, u can check out when its new.....if we can set on a price, after the show we can deliver to you lor....


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