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cleaner wrasse

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I recently saw this in aother forum about cleaner wrasse. It seem that wrasse wont last long in captivity so my advise is if you are not an expert, do not purchase this fish although it is cheap but it will affect the ecosystem in the natural reef.

"Though a wonderful addition to a tank, cleaner wrasses should not be bought. The reason being is that the removal of them from the oceans impacts in such an immensely negative way, that the coral reefs suffer greatly. Our hobby is threatened by the possibility of sanctions in the USA. We should make every possible step to prevent that from happening. One way to do this is to use only sustainable methods of capturing organisms, removing cleaner wrasses not only hurts the wrasses, but the entire eco-system revolving around them. A much better idea would be to use neon gobys as a parasite remover, because they are easily bred in captivity. "

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