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Live fish keyring, Tattooed Fish


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Live fish keyring & tattooed Fish posted by reefbuilders (yesterday) & weirdasianews (2008), thesun (2009).

creative or cruel? looks disrespect & abusing.....




Live fish keyring


Tattooed Fish



LFS Map in singapore
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. >((((º>
Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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China people are *expletive* money oriented. they dont care about eco. many things they do are about themselves and $$$. No offence but this is fact! In coming years ahead, their economic are the biggest, you will see more evil! This is really cruel, imagine a fish in the plastic, dying a few day later with no oxygen, no food. this is torture! Please throw a china man into a small chamber, with no food and water and limited oxygen and see how he suffer!

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China people are *expletive* money oriented. they dont care about eco. many things they do are about themselves and $$$. No offence but this is fact! In coming years ahead, their economic are the biggest, you will see more evil! This is really cruel, imagine a fish in the plastic, dying a few day later with no oxygen, no food. this is torture! Please throw a china man into a small chamber, with no food and water and limited oxygen and see how he suffer!

They can survive, haven stand beside a china worker yet? #@#$%^&*( will come to your mind...

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  • SRC Member

i am curious... are those keychain allowed for waterchange etc?

Cause if its not... then this is the most rediculous marketing of livestock i have ever seen... are they expecting people to buy this again and again every 2 days? expect it to last that long or even 1 day for that poor turtle....

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  • Senior Reefer

here's my take on the keyrings.

the keyrings are made of soft plastic (you can see from the pics) that can be cut open and released when you buy them...

it's just a mode of transport from the shop to your fishtank at home. it's not a permanent housing containment. the chinese people are idiots, but they are not that idiotic...

the keyring concept just makes it more appealing to buy, compared to a fish in a normal plastic bag.

the tatooed fish on the other hand, is ridiculous.

as with everything, there's 2 sides. and i believe the keyring thing is not made for a keyring per se, but just an advertising gimmick to sell the fish.

the tatooed freshwater parrotfishes on the other hand, i dislike. alot.

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