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Which Bulb Combo?


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Hi Friends,

I am having a nano tank mainly with few softies and lps and looking forward to move to sps.Tank is 2ft x 15 in(W) x 12 in (H).

The details can be found in this thread :-

I have made a 4x24 W T5 HO fixture with individual reflectors and osram ballast.However, confused with the bulb combo . The bulbs I have at hand are :-

Option 1 :-

ATI Blueplus.

Osram/Philips/GE 6500 K.

ATI Blueplus.

Osram/Philips/GE 6500 K.

Option 2 :-

ATI Blueplus.

Osram/Philips/GE 6500 K.

True Actinic

ATI Blueplus.

Let me know which will be better for my sps....

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  • SRC Member

great i see you managed to make your own fixture :thumbsup:

personally i would ditch the 6500k and get an aquablue special or purple plus instead. assuming that is done, option 1 will definitely put out more par which may provide a better ability keep light hungry sps as to compared to option 2, but it may be too white for personal viewing and aesthetics.

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Hi Straydum,

Thanks for all ur support bro. Well ultimately I have got the T5 fixture made with individual reflectors and osram ballast. Couldn't find vossoloh in India :(

The fixture also has 4 CPU fans for coolong the bulbs. So I guess that would lengthen the lifespan of the T5s.

The problem is that I have ordered ATI Blueplus from aquamarin.com.sg as we donot get ATI here in India. However, I just thought 2 6500 K and 2 ATI Blueplus will put out a great par as I am not a big blue tank fan!!!

Moreover I have a sea blue oyama background which does make my tank look blue...

So is it fine to move on with the Option 1 combo as then again I shall have to order for Aquablue special...

Also planning to get Montipora sp.(Its a purplr encrusted form) frag from my friend... Is it one of the easies...

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  • SRC Member

osram should do fine. for the fans, the part you want cool is cold spot on the tubes which is usually at the end where the manufacturers information, logo etc is printed. ATI falls into this category.

montis are indeed one of the easier sps, i myself started out with a monti frag. purple on the other hand is not easy to maintain. a variety of factors are needed if not most likely the purple will go brown. good luck! :)

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Oh ok... I thought all Montis are easy to maintain..

Then what sot of sps should I start with... Also I was planning to have 2 Hydor Koralia Nanos along with my 2000ltr/hr return pump.. Or should I get 1 Hydor koralia 1?

Sorry too many questions...

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  • SRC Member

maybe a red or green monti cap? acros or milles are also good indicators of water quality and light conditions by their polyp extension and colours.

i feel 2 hydor nanos will provide better flow then a single larger wavemaker. but it will be quite an obvious sight in your tank. if you can why not go for an mp10 or tunze 6055?

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