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How to detach hairy mushroom from rock?


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need help as of above, they are splitting too much and take up too much space, now have like 15 of them and when i tried touchin them and it surface a secrete a white string, but still firmly to the rock.

need to get rid of them for other corals

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need help as of above, they are splitting too much and take up too much space, now have like 15 of them and when i tried touchin them and it surface a secrete a white string, but still firmly to the rock.

need to get rid of them for other corals

use a putty knife,and slowly scrape the bottom part of the shroom,where the attachment is.Hope that helps.

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hi bro i tried using your method but i still cant get the base of the mushroom off the liverock, i also scare cut them, is there any other way to remove them??

Oh!what i did was to scrape the underside of the shroom lightly until you see an openning.From there on,you work towards the dettachment.This also helps me to detach anemone.Putty knife is not sharp,so should'nt slit the shroom.Other methods??? maybe other reefers could help.

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need help as of above, they are splitting too much and take up too much space, now have like 15 of them and when i tried touchin them and it surface a secrete a white string, but still firmly to the rock.

need to get rid of them for other corals

try this alternative... cheers.


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Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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