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  • SRC Member

Any bro staying near blk 831 tampines st 83, who is able to help in my setup for a 2ft cube reef tank. I jus dunno how to use my dosing pump n also FR... Anyone can help. Im a person who is terrible in theory but good in practical. Ahakz... Ive done some read up but stil dunno how to use e dosin pump n wat to dose.

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  • SRC Member

You can dose the basic 3 which is MG/Ca/Kh. You can get them from bulk order as it's cheaper there. As for how much to dose, it's best to start at a lower dosage and with aid from your testkit you slowly tune the dosing pump according. Last of all if you dont know how to use the dosing pump after reading the manual try YouTube. For your FR you can use it for Rowaphos or carbon.

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